Chapter 40

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Previously in First Tour
Sarah got kidnapped. The boys are looking high and low for her.
Sarah's P.O.V.
It's been three months since I was kidnapped and the boys still haven't found me. I'm starting to lose hope in them. I wish I never went out there. I wish I just stayed inside the restaurant with Niall. Oh my god, Niall. I miss him so much. You don't understand how much I miss him. It's like half of me is missing. He's my world and without him, I'm nothing. I'm surprised I lasted this long without trying to get myself killed. I take that back. I'm surprised I lasted this long without trying to kill myself. I nearly got myself killed basically every week I was here so far. I try standing up for myself but Alvin keeps beating me. Don't even get me started about what Alvin did to me as soon as he got his hands on me. Let's just say that when we got to the place they were keeping me, Alvin did "it" to me. It has been a nightmare for the past three months. Alvin and Trevor would take turns everyday doing something to me. Alvin would alternate between beating and doing "it". Trevor would just do "it" to me.

"The camera ready," Alvin asks snapping me out of my thoughts. Alvin has been taking control throughout this entire time. He's standing right in front of me and Trevor is setting up a camera, probably to video tape Alvin doing whatever he's gonna do and send it to the boys just for shits and giggles. "Yup. You ready?" Trevor asks. Alvin says, "yea." Did I mention that I'm only in my underwear and bra? Trevor presses the record button. "A-Alvin you d-don't have t-to d-do this," I stutter, my voice dry. "Shut up," Alvin snarls. He looks at the camera and says, "Niall, your precious little girlfriend here needs to be taught a lesson." He rips down my underwear and unzips his pants. He takes his "thing" out and shoves it into my opening. I scream in pain. You think I'd be use to it after three months, but I'm not. He starts moving it in and out as I keep shrieking in pain. After a while he stops, so does my shrieking. However, I feel a liquid go inside me right before he pulls his "thing" out. Alvin zips his pants back up and punches me striaght in the eye. He looks straight up at Trevor. Alvin smirks right before Trevor shuts off the camera. "Now to send that to your boyfriend and HALF brother," Trevor says as Alvin kicks me in the chest.

I've been tied up to this pole for two months. We had to move somewhere else when Alvin and Trevor found out from Barbra that the boys were in New York looking for me. Alvin leaves and Trevor is at the door way when I say, "T-Trevor, you don't h-have to d-do this." Trevor turns around and says, "shut up." "Trevor, I-I know you h-hate me. I hate you has much as you hate me. B-but you can h-help me get out of this. I-I'll give y-you a second chance of being my friend," I stutter. "Me and you! Friends! Ha!" Trevor laughs. "I do what Alvin tells me to do," Trevor says stepping closer to me and squatting down. He looks around then whispers, "look, I'll give you some food and water anytime I get the chance." I nod as he stands up. "Trevor! Hurry up!" Alvin shouts. Alvin starts walking back. "I'm coming! Sarah was just acting up again!" Trevor says standing up. He kicks me in the stomach. I moan from the pain. "Isn't she always?" Alvin asks knowing the answer. Trevor hands Alvin the camera and says,"I'll be right up. You know what needs to be done when Sarah acts up." Alvin chuckles then says, "yea. Make sure to get 'er good." Trevor nods then says, "trust me. I will," as Alvin walks out. He stands there for a while. "You know what I'm gonna do. But after I'll get you some water," Trevor says. I sigh nodding my head. Trevor does the same thing Alvin does, however, Trevor is always rougher than Alvin. I sit there shaking when Trevor's done. He leaves and a half hour to an hour later he comes back down. "Now, don't think I'm doing this because I want to be friends. I'm just doing what's right," Trevor says putting the cup up to my lips. I down the entire cup in less than a minute. Trevor reaches down to my underwear and I flinch thinking he's gonna do something else. All he does is pull my underwear up since I don't have any free hands. "Thank you," I whisper. Trevor nods as he stands up. He walks out leaving me alone to once again think about what the boys are doing.

Harry's P.O.V.
It's been three damn months since I last saw my little sister. I just knew something bad was gonna happen. Why didn't I tell Niall?! If I only told Niall that I had this freaking gut feeling, we wouldn't be in this mess. It's fucking September and I don't even know if my sister's dead or not. It's tearing me apart. I can't stand not knowing were Sarah is. She could be dead for all we know. Come on, Harry. You're not trying hard enough My inner voice says. Shut up would ya! We've checked most of America I shout at my inner voice. Yea. But, there's not much else she could be my inner voice snaps.

"Mates! We got a DVD! It says Sarah's name on it!" Liam says snapping me out of my thoughts. "Put it in!" Louis shouts. Niall has been an absolute mess. His eyes are blood shot. His hair's a mess. He always looks like he's been in bed for days, which he has. I hear crying every night come from Niall's room. He rarely gets up. He hasn't been eating much. Just a small lunch or dinner once or twice a week. He'd only eat because Liam would force him too. Everything reminds him of Sarah. He's out of bed for this because Zayn's helping him, Niall hasn't really walked much since Sarah went missing. So because of that, his knees acting up. "Ready?" Liam asks. We're all sitting on the sofas, we'll all but Niall. Niall's sitting on the recliner staring off into space. Liam presses play after we all nod our heads. Sarah pops up on the screen with Alvin standing in front of her. She's only in her bra and panties and she's tied up to a pole. "A-Alvin you d-don't have t-to d-do this," Sarah stutters out. Her voice sounds like she hasn't had water in days. "Shut up," Alvin snarls. He looks at the camera and says, "Niall, your precious little girlfriend here needs to be taught a lesson." He rips down Sarah's underwear and we all scream, "Woah!" in union covering our eyes. We hear a scream for what seems like 5 minutes from the TV, so when it ends, we indicate thats the end of that. We uncover our eyes to see Alvin punch Sarah straight in the eye. He then ooks at the camera and smirks just as the video ends. Louis, Liam, Zayn, and I all look over at Niall to see him so pissed off that he looks like he's gonna kill anybody that talks, touches, or even says his name. Louis's pissed but not as much as me, and surely not as much as Niall. I'm going to kill that motherfucker the next time I see him.
Oh my god! Can you believe Trevor and Alvin would do that?! Until next time...

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