Previously in First Tour
The boys and Sarah finished up sound check. Sarah went on stage. The crowd loved her.
I finish my last song of the night as the crowd cheers. I announce the boys and get off stage quickly mouthing good luck to them.When I get back there, I see everyone watching the screen. We can see the boys on there. I wait back stage while they perform. They are amazing.
I put my microphone back and take out my ear piece. I go to the couch where I was before I went on. God it's cold back here. I grab my leather jacket it and put it on. I know it doesn't go well but who cares. I like it. I sit down and listen to the boys. God they're amazing. Freaking Angels!
"Good night London!" Harry says. The boys finish an hour or so later. I'm on my phone so I don't notice. "That was the biggest crowd yet!" Niall says. "Mate, we've only had 1 concert so far," Zayn says. I look up and see them high fiving and what not. "Good job guys," I say. I look back down knowing they're not going to say I did good. I sucked. I see a blonde head in front of me squatting down. "Yes Niall?" I ask giggling. "You were amazing!" He said. "Yea, I've never heard you sing like that before," Harry says. "Boys, fans are coming back stage. Time to get ready," Paul said. "I'll stay right here," I say.5 minutes later kids start coming back stage. From toddlers to 50 year old women. Teens are crying. Adults are trying to act cool. Toddlers are staring at them with a smile on their face. I hear this one group of girls say, "oh my god. That's Sarah!" I look up and see 4 girls staring at me. They all have one direction shirts on. They look about 15/16. I get up and walk over to them. "Omg. Your Sarah Ballard, right?!" One girl says. "Yup. That's me," I say. "Omg. Your amazing. Can we get a picture with you?" another girl asks. "Of course," I say. A security guard offers to take the picture. I stand in the middle of the 4 girls.
After the girls leave. Girls keep noticing me. Well after they take pictures with the boys. This one woman, looks about 25, comes over to me with a toddler. "Excuse me. Are you Sarah Ballard?" She asks. "Yes. Can I help you?" I ask. "Yea. My daughter is a huge fan of one direction. When she heard you sing. She loved it. Can I get a picture of the 2 of you?" She asks. "Of course." The woman hands me her child and I hold her like she did. After she takes the picture, her daughter hugs me and the woman thanks me.
An hour later, the fans leave. I probably took pictures with half of the people who came back stage. Paul told us to gather our things 'cause we're leaving in like 5-10 minutes. I grab my phone and but it in my back pocket as I walk over to Niall. Niall's going through the cabinets looking for food I bet. "Looking for food?" I ask. Niall jumps then says, "yea. Do you have any?" "Of course I do," I say. I hold out one of the candy bars I'm holding. "I got these from the vending machine. Snuck out and into the hallway. I got some for like a while," I say. "Seriously?" Niall asks ripping open the wrapper. "Yea. I'll show you in the car," I say and laugh at how fast he eats the chocolate bar. He looks at me like what did I do? I point at the wrapper.
Paul tells us to hurry up. The crowd is growing. Niall grabs my hand and we head to the exit. I yank Niall back and say, "there's poparrazi out there." "I know, Sarah. They'll find out some day. We might as well show them now," Niall says. I say, "ok," and walk out holding hands with Niall. Lights flash in my eyes and screams from the fans. Niall squeezes my hand and whispers, "it'll be okay. The fans won't do anything to you." I look up at him as a camera flashes at us.
We get back to the hotel room. And start getting ready for bed. "Guys! Look what's on the news!" Louis screams. Thank god I have clothes on. I run out with my phone and stop dead in my tracks when I see the screen. Niall stops next to me. The 4 boys look at the 2 of us. "Is One Direction's Niall Horan dating Sarah Ballard?" the screen says with the picture of me looking at Niall and holding his hand. Niall's looking at me along with the 4 others. Tears swell up in my eyes as I look over at Niall. "We'll leave for you 2 to talk," Zayn says. The boys part their ways to their own rooms. Niall sits at the head of the couch and pulls me to him so I'm sitting on his lap facing him.
Niall wipes my tears away and says, "Listen. Just because the world found out about us, doesn't change my attitude towards you. Sarah, your my world and I don't want the fans, poparrazi, or anyone to split us up." I start smiling. Niall then says, "now come here," and hugs me. Then Niall does what I've always dreamed him doing. Niall kisses me. Obviously I kiss him back. I hear awing from in front and behind us. Niall pulls apart a minute or so later.
I turn around so I'm facing the boys but I'm still on Niall's lap. "So when are you 2 going on a 'date' date?" Liam asks. I look at Niall who's looking at me. We both just shrug. I look at the time on my phone. "Oh my god, it's almost 11," I say. "Yup. One of the many perks about being famous," Harry says. I see Louis and Zayn yawn. "Why don't we just go to bed. I can tell those 2 would agree," I say pointing at Louis and Zayn. They act like their not tired but Harry, Liam, Niall, and I know that's not true. So we all part our ways and say goodnight.
Whatcha think? Thank you so much for a 100 reads total. I know it's total but it's a huge deal for me. Comment ideas. Like please. Share to friends!!

First Tour
FanfictionSarah Ballard has been through a lot. From her little sister "dying" to an abusive boyfriend to nearly killing herself. When Sarah goes on tour with her half brother's, Harry Styles's, band, she must face her abusive ex boyfriend, Alvin Jackson, and...