Chapter 8

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Previously in First Tour
The boys sing Don't Forget Where You Belong. They land in London, UK. Their first stop on the tour.
We got to the hotel in one piece. This is a huge hotel room. It has 6 bed rooms, a kitchen, a living room and 2-4 bathrooms. Yea, I'm sharing a hotel room with a One Direction.

I'm unpacking when I hear a big bang come from the next room over. I run over there and see Louis on the floor with his suit case and a drawer on top of him. Lord help me. How am I going to last this tour.

I guess I'm not the only one who heard it 'cause as I kneel down to get the drawer of him, the rest of the boys come in. "What the bloody hell happened here?" Harry asks. "I had my bag on top of the dresser. I opened the drawer. I grabbed my bag and put it in the drawer. All of a sudden, the drawer and bag come falling down on me. Can I get a little help here?!" Louis says. We're laughing our heads off while helping Louis. "Louis, your such a spaz," I say laughing.

I leave the room as I check my phone and see it says 10:30 pm. I change into my pjs and say goodnight to the boys. Tomorrow is going to be a loooong day.
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