Chapter 21

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Previously in First Tour
The girls got Sarah to go back inside from the balcony. Niall sang You and I. Sarah ended up believing Niall that the picture wasn't real.
Right as Niall puts me down and the hoots and hollers begin, I see Niall smiling but with bloodshot eyes and a black left eye. I then realize that Harry got a hold of Niall before he could explain anything. It wasn't there the last time I saw him. However, I'm too happy to ask what happened.

After the shouts calmed down, the boys keep telling Nialler nice job and we should've believed you from the start while the girls keep saying that they told me so. Once the boys go off with the girls, Niall and I have time to ourselves in the living room.

Niall pulls me onto his lap as I start to say, "Niall, what happened to your eye?!" "Oh, it's nothing," Niall says. "That's not nothing, Ni. Your left eye is swollen and black and blue," I say nervously. I jump up and run to get Niall an ice pack. "Sar, I'm fine. It's just a black eye," Niall says slowly. I bring the ice pack back to him as I give him the 'really' look. "Alright! Alright. Just stop giving me that look," Niall says putting the ice pack on his left eye.

"After you stormed off, Harry came in. Roselinde and Perrie went after you. Harry saw the look on your face, I guess, and didn't even let me explain before he came up to me and just punched me in the eye. It took the 3 lads and Maya to hold him off and Alyssa to calm him down," Niall says. "Harry did that to you! He has always protected me but he never has physically hurt someone that hurt me!" I shouted. The rest come out as they hear me shout. I stand up. I guess Niall knew right away what I was about to do. Niall grabbed my waist as I try to lunge for Harry. They all have the 'wtf' face on.

"WHAT THE HELL HARRY!!!" I scream. Niall still is holding onto my waist and Louis, Liam, and Zayn stand somewhat in front of Harry. Harry looks at me like 'what did I do?' "Why would you just punch Niall in the eye?!" I shout. "You what?!" Maya, Perrie, and the 3 boys shout in unison. We kinda just stare at Harry waiting for an explanation. "Alright! I punched Niall! But I was only trying to protect you, Sarah," Harry says. "Protect me?! Harry, I don't care if Niall freaking murdered me! You never should have hurt Niall!" I scream. You can see rage building up in Harry's eyes. Niall holds onto me as I try to get out of his grip while I speak.

"He's your band mate. He's one of your best friends! Harry, for crying out loud, I love Niall! You understand that! And to think that my own BROTHER would hurt the love of my life! Is unbelievable! Even though we went through a fight, I still love him! I never would've thought YOU, of all people, would do something this bad!" I shout at Harry. You can see that Harry's hurt.

"I was only trying to protect you," Harry says a bit loud. "Harry, you can't protect me forever! I'll one day be living on my own! You'll be with your own family! Do you really think your future wife would like to live next to her half sister-in-law! Harry, you can't protect me ever day of my god damn life! I appreciate you protecting me from fans and other guys. But your band mate! You're unbelievable!" I scream.

I motion towards the boys and my four best girl fiends as I say, "You guys have been through so much with me. Especially you, Maya and Roselinde. 4-5 years knowing you five have made my life so much better! I wouldn't be here without you guys. And to have you hurt someone so close to me, hurts me probably more than it hurts him, Harry!" I shout at Harry before he can say anything.

"Sarah, I'm sure Harry did it out of action," Perrie says. We look at Harry and he nods his head slightly. "Sarah, Niall, I'm sorry. I truly am. I know I shouldn't have hurt Niall. I know I shouldn't have barged into your room to hurt Niall. I should've gone after you and helped you like a true big brother would. It's just, I'm not use to being a big brother. I'm use to being the youngest," Harry says. I'm so pissed off that Maya notices it. Niall probably did to since his grip just tightened.

"Harry, Sarah's not use to having someone protect her. She thought she was the oldest. When her little sister died in a car accident at the age of 5, Sarah was devastated. She was only 13," Maya says for me walking between us. "Ever since then, Sarah was unstable. I bet you knew that, Harry. Sarah was very protective to her sister. That's how she got so upset over the Niall and the fans situations," Roselinde says doing the same thing Maya did. "When you punched Niall, Sarah lost it, not because she's mad at the world for taking her little sister, but for someone she could care for hurting someone else that, we can all see, she deeply loves," Alyssa says motioning her hands to everyone and putting her hand on Harry's arm. I'm so lucky to have best friends that understands me since childhood. Well, since I was 10
Whatcha think? Damn Sarah and her anger. I wonder where she gets it from....

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