Chapter 24

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Previously in First Tour
Sarah got a call from an unknown number, later found out to be Kathy. She found out Kathy was alive after all. She ends up spending the rest of the day with her.

Niall's P.O.V.

I wake up to peacefulness. The lads and Sarah aren't bouncing off the walls with energy. Wait. This is too quiet.

I jump out of bed, while grabbing a tank top from my dresser and rushing out the door. I walk towards each of the lads' door and listen to hear if their awake. I get no such luck. Sarah's door is left. I walk up to it and listen. 'Is that rustling in the bathroom?' I think to myself. I knock on her door and ask, "Sarah, you okay?" She replies with, "yea, everything's fine." I hear her say, "shit," quietly. Slowly open Sarah's door, since she has her own personal bathroom in this hotel, and walk in. When I walk in, I see her phone on the nightstand. I see that its unlocked to twitter. And it's hate comments.

"Sarah?" I say before closing the door. I hear a gasp from the bathroom. "If this is a bad time, I'll come back later?" I say more as a question. "No, it's fine. One sec." Sarah says. I walk over to her bed and sit down. CLINK. I hear something drop and a mumbled, "shit!" I walk over and tap on the bathroom door. "Sarah, you o-" I say opening the door.


I run over to Sarah and kneel in front of her. I look down at her wrists and see blood dripping down from fresh cuts. I grab the toilet paper and have her put pressure on the wounds with the paper.

I rush out of the room and grab the first aid kit from the kitchen. Running back in as I whisper/shout, "Sarah, why would you do this to yourself?!" "I-I" Sarah stutters as I wrap gauze around her wrist, covering the fresh cuts.

Sarah P.O.V.

Niall wraps the gauze around my wrist. I see worry and fear in his eyes. Since there is a little ledge in front of the tube, I sat there while cutting myself. Niall is knelt down in front of me.

Niall grabs my other wrist and pulls me up, into a hug. I'm sobbing from this. As Niall pulls away, I hear my bedroom door open. I grab the blade and start to wash it. I gasp when four British boys open the bathroom door.

I dropped the blade in the sink and spun around. When I turn around, I see all of their eyes turn from sleepy to wide eyed. I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out. Louis speaks first, "What the bloody hell did you 2 do?!" "I-I," I start. The four boys start asking me questions all at once. "Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Calm down. Sarah's one person. We all needa chill," Niall says for me.

I clean off the blade while Niall takes the four boys into the living room. I hear pacing and mumbling. Man, am I going to get yelled at. I walk out of my bedroom with my head down. The room goes silent. I sigh and walk over to Niall, in the small kitchen.

"Hey, want some coffee?" Niall asks. "No thanks. I don't drink coffee," I say. He looks at me like I just killed someone and grew another head. "What?! I don't like coffee. Im gradually a morning person!" I say defensively. "I've never heard a girl say that she doesn't like coffee," Niall says while making himself a cup. "Well, there's a first for everything," I say. I'm looking down at my feet when Niall lifts my chin up to make me look at him. "Hey, it's going to be okay. Don't put yourself down over fans hating you. In my opinion, their not even fans if they can't even support you. Their just jealous that I'm dating an amazing, wonderful, beautiful girl. So stop being so upset over some 'fans' hating on you. They're not even fans if they talk shit about you. I love you. That's all that matters," Niall says sweetly. I smile as Niall kisses me. It takes me by surprise but I kiss him back.

The coffee machine makes us pull away. While Niall finishes making his coffee, I clean myself up in the kitchen. 'Cause I'm not going back out there by myself. Hell no. Are you crazy?

Niall grabs my hand and we start to walk out with Niall's coffee in his left hand. I sigh when the others look at me. This should be fun explaining to the boys what we were doing.

While we walk to the living room, I'm thinking of how I'm going to tell the boys why there's gauze on my wrist. Yea. I think I'm gonna needa change that gauze. Those cuts were deep....

I look up when Niall squeezes my hand. "I speak for everyone when I ask, what did you 2 do in that bathroom?!" Zayn says. "Mate, please say she's not pregnant!" Louis blurts out. Niall and I look at each other then shout, "noooo!" I say, "I'm not Pregnant. I'm not getting pregnant any time soon." Louis gives a huge sigh of relief. "Well, what did happen in there?" Liam asks. Niall looks at me and gives me the look 'do you want me to say it or not?' I shake my head and look back at the boys."I woke up at around 7am. I checked my Twitter and found a boatload of hate from your fans. And yea. I could handle it. It's just not till I saw 2 hate comments of a picture of the 6 us..." I trail off. "Who were the 2 that commented on it?" Harry asks. I look down and say, "Alvin Jackson and Barbra Palvin..."

Harry stands up and Niall stares at me. The others are confuses. "Who's Alvin Jackson?" Zayn asks. "Sarah's ex boyfriend," Harry says. All five of them grab their phones and look up Alvin and Barbra's tweet. "Liam, grab that laptop. We're doing a twitcam for the fans," Harry said. "Why?" I say. "So we can tell the fans what their doing to you. And also to tell Alvin and that bitch off," Niall says. I smile at how much they care for me. "Okay. The camera's set. Sarah move over to your right more. We want you in this too," Liam says. I move over and lean against the back of the couch with Niall. "Okay. We're live in 5 seconds," Liam continues.

The five of them say hi to the fans while I stand their awkwardly. "Ladies and gents. As you may know, this is Sarah. She's with us on tour," Louis says. "And she's been having some problems with you guys," Zayn says. They motion for me to say what problems. "Like you guys booing me. Posters saying hateful things. Tweets that say that you guys want me to kill myself," I say and look down. "You guys aren't the only ones doing this to her. But it's not right. We want to tell you to try and be nicer to her. She's very self-conscious about herself. She also has depression which you guys aren't helping her with at all," Niall says. I unwrap my wrist and remove the gauze. I hold up my wrist and say, "this is what you guys are leading me to. I've done it from you guys before. But this time it wasn't from you guys," I say. Harry says, with anger in his voice, "there's 2 people that are out there that have lead Sarah to this situation. Those 2 people are Alvin Jackson, Sarah's ex-boyfriend, and Barbra Palvin, Niall's ex-girlfriend. If you guys can help us tell them off, we'd love that. Until then we want to say, Alvin and Barbra, lay off! We don't need you guys messing up our lives! We don't want to loss Sarah. But with you 2 out there, we just might. So back off!" Niall says, "I'd like to keep the only relationship that wasn't forced. Barbra, if your mad at me, take it out on me. I can handle it. But taking it out on my girlfriend isn't going to do anything! You did this to her! Alvin, you dumped her, why are you so mad with her?! She told us all what happened! Alvin and Barbra. Leave us 6 alone! Leave our fans alone and our families alone! Our fans are doing this because you 2 are encouraging it!" Harry and Niall storm off. "Well there you have it," Liam says. "You mess with Sarah, you mess with all of us!" Louis says. And with that, the twitcam is over.
Whatcha think? Very depressing, I know. But this needed to be said. I want to have this sorta thing happen. It'll make sense later. But for now...

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