Chapter 25

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Previously in First Tour
Niall caught Sarah cutting because of hate comments. Sarah told the boys what happened and why she did it. They did a twitcam thing to tell Alvin and Barbra, the cause of this, off.
"Come on, babe. It won't hurt," he said. I'm in a tattoo Parlor with my boyfriend, Alvin Jackson. "Alvin, it's a permanent tattoo. It will never go away," I say nervously. "Just pick one out," Jack says, one of Alvin's friends. I look through the tattoos and find one. "This one," I say to the tattoo artist, pointing to the word angel in turquoise with white wings next to it and a golden halo above it. "Okay. Where?" The man says. Alvin points to the left side of my hip. "You sure?" The man says. I nod my head. "Okay, pull your shirt up," the man says.

1 hour later

Alvin grabs me and starts kissing me. I try to push away, but he's to strong. He pulls away and stares at me in anger. We're at my house. I'm 15 so I can't live with him. As he's 16.

Alvin brings up a fist as I plead. "Alvin! Please! No! I'm sorry! It won't happen again! I'm sorry! Don't hurt me! I'm sorry!" Alvin says nothing. He punches me in the eye then the stomach. I scream in pain.

"Sarah! Wake up, Sarah!"

Someone's shaking me awake. I sit straight up. I look over to my left and see Niall and Harry there and to my right are Liam, Louis, and Zayn. Apparently, I fell asleep on the couch after the twitcam.

Niall pulls me into a hug as I start to cry. As he pulls away, Liam says, "Sarah. What happened? All we heard was you screaming for Alvin not to hurt you...then a shriek...." I cry even harder. Not because it was a dream. But because it really did happen in my life. A lot, actually.

Alvin was abusive. Louis is the only one who knows, but I made him swear to never tell anyone. Alvin always ended up angry with me, he'd hurt me when we were alone. I always covered up the bruises when I moved in with Harry. He never found out. Not till now. I have to tell them. Just how..

Niall comforts me as I try to stop the crying. It finally works after about 5-10 minutes. "It was just a nightmare," I say slowly. "That was no original nightmare, Sarah. You okay?" Louis says. "Sorta. No. I'm not okay. It was just about the day I got my tattoo. Look I kinda sorta lied about the tattoo situation. Roselinde didn't force me to get one after a dare. Alvin made me," I say while holding in the sob rising in my throat. I told them that Roselinde made me get a tattoo since she dared me one time 'cause I couldn't tell them the truth yet. Roselinde never dared me she just asked me one day if I'd ever get a tattoo. However Roselinde went along with it. I just made up an excuse saying I didn't want Harry knowing I got it because I thought it would be fun. I don't know why. I didn't want to tell her about Alvin. Not after what she did to Louis. Oh, no. I could never forgive her for that.

"Alvin made you!" Harry shouts. Shit. If he thinks that's bad, how's he going to react at the abusive part. "Harry that's not even the worst part," I say slowly. I'm leaning against Niall's chest with the Liam, and Louis on the love couch. Zayn's standing near the TV, leaning against the wall. Harry's sitting next to me. I take a deep breathe and look at my gauzed up wrist. "Alvin. Alvin wasn't the boyfriend you think he is. He-he use to beat me..." I say.

All the boys stand up and say, "he what!" "How badly did he hurt you," Zayn says. "I have a faded bruise on my eye and my right side of my stomach. I always put on makeup in the morning before greeting you guys to avoid the questions," I say. I slowly start to wipe the makeup off with a napkin not far from me. Once I get the makeup off. I slowly look up from my camera on my phone. "He did this to you!" Niall shouts as he sits down next to me looking at the black and blue eye. "It's no big deal. I got a bunch everywhere," I say.

I just said the wrong thing. Harry and Niall look like their going to kill Alvin. I place my hand on Niall's right arm.

"Calm down. You can't do anything to him. We told him off. Barbra is my main priority right now. She's the bitch we have to worry about. We can worry about Alvin later," I say. "Later! Sarah, if we wait, Alvin can hurt you again. We're in the town he lives in We have to be careful here!" Harry shouts. "We can't just get up and leave! I have graduation tonight! We have to wait till tomorrow! Or you can just go head without me! I'll just take the earliest flight tomorrow!" I shout back at him.

"No! No one is going anywhere. Sarah has a point. We have to wait. But Sarah. You can't go anywhere with out a body guard and one of us with you at all times from now on. We aren't letting Alvin hurt you when we're not looking," Liam says. "Okay. Now, everything is settled," I say as I look at the time on my phone. "Shit!" I say jumping up. "What?" Zayn says. "It's 3 o'clock and I don't even have a dress or cap and gown. And graduations at 7!" I shout. I run to the kitchen and grab the keys from the table.
Whatcha think? This was a deep chapter. Once again! It'll all make sense later on. So for now...

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