Chapter 46

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Previously in First Tour
The group Torn Silent has a new member that's a guy, Jake Alford. He tried to kiss and date Sarah. Sarah and Niall went out on a date. Niall found out about Sarah's black eye, bruised jawline, thigh, and stomach.
I wake up to a blonde mop of hair in my face. I smile as I realize I somehow ended up facing him. "Morning," Niall's raspy Irish accent says. "Morning," I say tiredly. Niall goes in to kiss me but I pull away. "I am not kissing you with morning breathe," I say. I jump up and run to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and put on some makeup to hide the bruises quickly than run back to my bed. Niall's making his way over to the bathroom. I grab my phone from the charger and look what I got over night. I see a bunch of people standing up for me from what that "fan" tweeted to me. I open up twitter and tweet, "thank you everyone that stood up for me! Glad to see that some of you guys love me! ❤️" A few seconds later, people start replying things like, "anything for you, love!" "we'd do anything for Harry's sister and Niall's girlfriend!" and, "of course we love you!" I smile at how much these fans have changed from wanting me dead to some of them loving me. I lock my phone and stand up. Niall walks out of the bathroom just as I put on my engagement ring. Niall and I walk toward the kitchen, hand 'n' hand. I sit on one of the stools as Niall starts making his coffee. "You'd never guess what happened," I say. "Hm?" Niall says placing the mug under the spout thing. "Some of your fans actually love me!" I squeal. "I told you they do!" Niall says placing his hand on mine. "You remember the tweet that got me upset yesterday?" I ask Niall. "Yea?" Niall says as he finishes up his coffee. "Well, a lot off your fans started standing up for me last night. And I tweeted something saying thank you for that and everything and the ones who stood up for me said that of course they love me!" I say really excited. "I told you they love you!" Niall says. "Yea yea," I say getting up. Niall and I walk into the living room. We sit down as I turn on the tv to the news. A picture of Niall and me from last night in downtown NYC and another of a close up of my left hand. "Is One Direction's Niall Horan engaged to Sarah Ballard?" is what the caption says above the pictures. "Well that was fast," Niall says sipping is coffee. Both of our phones start blowing up. I grab mine and read some of the mentions from twitter. "@Sarah_B74 @NiallOfficial you're engaged!? Oh my god! I'm so happy for you guys!" one of Niall's fans says. "@Sarah_B74 @NiallOfficial you're engaged?! Really! Niall you can do so much better! Break it off while you still have the chance! Run man run!" says another fan of his. I get another mention that says, "@Love_Niall10 @Sarah_B74 I would never do that. I don't know what you're think but I can't imagine my life without her. Stop saying things like that." I look up at Niall who's currently placing his empty mug on the coffee table. "You didn't have to do that, ya know," I say smiling at him. "Of course I had too. You're my fiancé and I love you too much to let anyone say that. Plus, we both know that you wouldn't say anything to the girl," Niall says placing his arm around me. "True," I say leaning against him. I hear someone make their way into the living room. I look up and see Maya on the main couch. "Morning!" I cheerfully. Maya glares at me and says, "shut the hell up." "Someone didn't have there coffee yet," Niall says. Liam walks in with two mugs in each hand. He hands Maya one and sits down. I turn my attention back to the screen. "In other news, Linda Ballard, Marcus Ballard, and Tiffany Raymond were arrested yesterday in Doncaster, London with the crime of kidnap of Sarah Ballard, Niall Horan, Harry Styles, Liam Payne, Zayn Malik, and Louis Tomlinson," the reporter, Matt Lauer, says. "Have fun at 1DDay today. You guys are definitely gonna get a lot of questions about this," I say. The two boys grunt. The news continues on with the story. There's a reporter standing in front of our house. I bolt up. "That's outside," Maya says. "You guys stay here. Maya and I got this," I say running to my room. I throw on sweats and a sweater. I slip on some black uggs and run to the front door. Maya's standing there looking out the window. She looks at me and nods. I open the door as Maya stands next to me. The camera gets directed on us and the reporter turns around.

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