Chapter 34

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Previously in First Tour

"What'd Alvin tell you?" Niall asks. "He told me that I have two options. Option one is to stay with you guys and risk the life of my loved ones, or myself. Option two is to..." I trail off. "Is to what?" Liam asks. I take a deep breathe and say quietly, "option two is to break up with Niall, pack my things, go back to New York, don't go to college, and move in with him. I have to meet him behind our hotel by noon tomorrow with my decision."
"What!" The five scream at once. Everyone in the room looks at us. "Can we just go back to the hotel," I say quietly. "Of course. Come on," Louis says giving me a small smile. The boys walk past me and out the back door. I follow behind them.

I end up sitting in the way back of the car to the hotel. The boys are quietly talking to each other, probably about the situation. We walk in silence to the hotel room. Harry opens the door to our hotel room and we all file in. I walk straight to Niall's and my room, we have the same arrangements as two weeks ago. I sit on the edge of the bed and stare at my home screen picture, it's Niall pressed up against the glass door of one of the balcony's we had in one of the hotels. A tear rolls down my face as I hear the door to the room open then close a minute later. I wipe away the tear as the bed goes down.

"Hey, you okay?" a British accent asks. I look over to my right and see Harry sitting there. "No, Harry. I'm not okay. Alvin wants to ruin my life. I have a little over ten hours till I have to make a decision that will change my life forever," I say. "I know that, Sarah. All five of us do. Niall's out there freaking out about you," Harry says. "It's all my fault," I say barely above a whisper. "What do you mean? You didn't know that Alvin and Trevor would ever do this. How could you be at fault?" Harry says. "I could've prevented it. I could've never said yes when Alvin asked me out. I could've just ignored Trevor my whole life. But noooooo! I stood up for myself. Well, that's not doing me any good. If I just let them bully me at school, if Louis never stood up for me in Doncaster, I would have never been in this mess," I say. "If Alvin never broke up with you. If you never stood up for yourself. If Louis never stood up for you, you wouldn't be where you are today. You probably wouldn't be living with me. You might've never met me or any of the lads. Be proud of who you are," Harry says. "Listen, I'll support you with either decision you choose. I just hope you pick the right one," he says. I say, "thanks, Harry. For the pep talk. I think I know what my decision is. Let me just sleep on it." He stands me up and pulls me into a hug. "I love you," Harry says. "I love you too."
The next day I wake up to Niall's arms wrapped around me. I tried to wiggle out of his grasp but all I accomplish is him tightening his grip. I grab my phone and see that it's 8:30 am. I put my phone down and flip over so I'm facing Niall. "Niall," I say softly in his ear trying to wake him up. "Hmmm," he hums. "Wake up. We got three and a half hours till I need to go meet up with Alvin," I whisper in his ear. "Five more minutes," Niall says in his raspy, tired, Irish accent. "Come on, Ni. We gotta get up," I say. "Fine," he breathes out. I get out of his grip and walk over to the dresser. I grab an outfit and walk to the bathroom. I bang on the door when I hear someone in there. "Come on, Zayn! Other people need to get ready too!" I shout through the door. "Give me a minute!" Zayn shouts back. I hear a hair dryer. "Zayn Javadd Malik! Put that damn hair dryer down! I have three and a half hours to get ready and meet up with Alvin. I need 3 hours to get ready!" I shout over the hair dryer. The hair dryer stops and a few minutes later, the door opens. "The bathroom's all yours," Zayn says. I let out a sigh and walk in when Zayn walks out.

After taking a half hour shower, I change into my clothes, a black cami top, dark blue jean shorts, black high heels, and a silver necklace. I change my phone case from a white background with black words that say "Shop till you drop" to a black background with the white letters "LA" on it. I take out my curling iron and plug it in. While I wait for it to heat up, I start to put my makeup on, foundation, dark pink lipstick, blush, tan eyeshadow, and mascara. By the time I'm done with my makeup, the curling iron is heated up. I curl my hair for the next hour. I put a black beanie on over my hair and look in the mirror. "Perfect," I say to myself. I grab my pjs from last night and walk out of the bathroom. "Morning, Sarah," I hear a British accent say from my right. I look over to my right and see Liam on the couch. "Morning, Liam." I continue to walk into my room and put my pjs in my suitcase. I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. "Morning, Beautiful," an Irish accent says behind me. I jump and turn around. "Jesus, Niall. You scared the hell out of me," I say. He chuckles at that.

A half hour later, I'm in the living room with the boys. Niall has me on his lap with his arms wrapped around my waist. "10 minutes till I need to go down there," I say quietly. "Don't worry, Sarah. You're gonna make the right decision," Harry says. "Whatever you choose. We support you," Louis says. "I might as well start to head down there," I say sadly. Niall lets go off me and grabs my hand as I stand up. I sigh and squeeze Niall's hand. I let go of his hand and walk to the door. I stop when I'm about the touch the door knob. I spin around and see the guys standing where they were sitting. "C-Can you guys c-come with me?" I ask. "Of course," Liam says. The boys walk to me as I open the door. When we get into the elevator, Niall stands next to me and pulls me into a hug. "It's gonna be okay," he whispers into my ear. Did I mention that I look like I'm about to ball my eyes out? No? Oops.

The elevator door opens and I pull away. I grab Niall's hand as we walk out. Niall and I walk behind the rest of the boys. We start to walk to the back of the hotel when Louis walks towards us. "How you feeling?" he asks. "Like crap," I say. "Right. Terrible question," he says. "No, that was the best question you could've asked," Niall says. "No shit Sherlock," he continues. Leave it to Louis and Niall to make me laugh.

We stop in front of the double doors that lead to the back of the hotel. I squeeze Niall's hand and walk to the front of the boys. I slowly push open the doors. To my surprise, I see Alvin, Trevor, AND Barbra. I work my way over to Alvin with the boys trailing behind me. "What are you doing here, Barbra?" I ask crossing my arms. "She hates you too, Sarah," Trevor says standing behind Alvin. "What's your decision?" Alvin asks me while standing in front of me. I look back at the boys then back at Alvin. "My decision is..."
CLIFF HANGER! How's the book so far? I hope it's good because I love writing these books for you guys. Until next time...

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