Chapter 6

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Previously in First Tour
Sarah and Harry got ready to leave for tour. They plan on surprising the boys with Sarah coming with them.
It's been 5 minutes since Harry told me to hide. I can't hear anything. Wait, I hear someone.

"Ow. Watch the knee will you," an Irish accent says. Niall. "Sorry." Liam. "I hate these crutches," Niall complains. Here it goes I put my hand on the door and get ready for it. "Quit complaining would ya. I don't think Sarah would want to here you complain the whole tour," Harry says. I slowly open the door and walk out closing the door behind me and kinda just stand their. Watching their reactions.

After Louis, Liam, and Zayn ask about a million and one questions, I finally get to sit down and relax. Louis and Liam are talking. Zayn is on the phone with Perrie. Harry is in the bathroom, still have no idea why he told me that.

"S-Sarah," someone stutters. I look up from the window and see Niall looking nervous as ever. I get up to help him with the crutches. "Niall, sit down. I'll take the crutches," I say helping him sit next to me. I put the crutches on top of my bag.

I sit down as Niall says, "W-Why are you h-here?" Wow. Is he nervous. I grab my phone and go to Alvin's text. "Just read this. It'll explain everything." Niall looks over it and just stares at me like wtf. I feel like I'm going to cry, so I just look down. Niall says, "why would he do that? Who would do that?" "Alvin.... Alvin would do that. I thought he really liked me.... I guess I was wrong. I should've just went with my gut. No one would care about me. Let alone love me," I say trying to hold back tears. "Sarah, I care about out you. And.. I l-love you," Niall says slowly. I look up at Niall when Harry says, "I care and love you too, Sarah. We all do." He motions to Zayn, Louis and Liam.

Liam sits across from me and says, "I know this is hard, Sarah. We've all been through break ups." "Harry, maybe not," Louis says jokingly. Harry glares at him. "Anyways..." Liam starts staring at the 2 of them, "Sarah it's okay. Alvin doesn't deserve you. Your an amazing girl and it's his lost." Zayn asks, "so what happened?" I sighed. I know I have to explain everything. So I did.

"It's not just about Alvin," I said getting up and pacing. "It started about 3-4 years ago. When the world found out I was Harry's sister. His fans started hating me. It felt like the world was ending. Everyone who loved Harry on the x-factor hated me. Everyone kept saying things like 'go kill yourself' and 'no one likes you'. The worst was 'no one cares about you. Harry hates you. All of us even people who aren't his fans hate you. Don't you see. No one likes you. No one ever will. You'll die alone. Your parents even hate you. Go do us all a favor and go hang yourself.' (please no one ever do that. its just fake. I made it up 'cause people out there are hateful and are jealous of others. Please if someone hates on you, talk to someone and stand up for yourself. Anyways back to the story) I-I." I said but I couldn't finish. I just couldn't. That's when the tears came. Thank the lord I was in front of where Niall and Harry were standing.

Niall say next to me, which I'm on the floor balling my eyes out, and Harry kneeled next to me. "Can you 4 just give her a minute. I'll explain it all. She told me about it," Harry said. "Sarah, we'll be right back. Don't worry," Niall whispered and motioned for me to sit on the chair.
I finally stopped crying after an hour and a half. My eyes were blood shot by then. Tears roll down my face but I stopped sobbing at least.

I listened to their conversation while staring out the window. Harry forgot the part about Niall. Thank god. Wait, what did Harry just say? "Can you guys go try to make her smile and laugh. Niall, I need to talk to you." Oh no. Niall's going to hate me forever.

Liam sat next to me, Louis and Zayn sat in front of me. I just looked down. "Sarah, come on smile. Alvin's an ass for doing what he did. He can't even stay with a girl. I've seen guys like that," Zayn said. Louis said, "says the guy who's engaged. Like you know guys like that." "Theres that smile we all know and love," Liam said. "We all know and love?! No offense, Sarah, but I don't love you. I like you." Zayn cracks a smile. "AS A FRIEND!" Louis shouts. "I know what you mean, Louis." I say laughing. I looked over at Niall and Harry. Harry's back was to me but I could see Niall. He was just in shock. I forgot I told Harry about how much torture this past week was, not being able to text Niall because he stormed off heart broken like I crushed his dream. Oh shit. Niall's looking over at me. He's staring at me with tears in his eyes. It's like he went through the same thing. That's when I realized. Niall's eyes are blood shot.
Maybe I can get one in tomorrow. Maybe not. Depending on my tooth. Hopefully I'll update tomorrow. I'll start writing to night. Anyways. What do think of it?


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