Chapter 42

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Previously in First Tour
Sarah has been found by the boys. However, her mother, father and Tiffany have kidnapped her and the boys.
Sarah's P.O.V.
It's been two weeks since my mother and father have kidnapped me and the boys. After we left the abandoned hospital, Paul shot the back of Nick's head apparently. So he's dead. We ended up at my old house. They forced us into the basement. They locked the only way out but were all tied up, hands and feet. We all know better than to yell for help. We all want to make it out together, ALIVE! Right now we're all in the basement, Niall's sitting next to me on my right. Harry and Louis are sitting across the room. Liam and Zayn are sitting on the wall where the door is. "Don't either of you know a way out of here? I mean Louis, your house is literally next door," Zayn asks quietly. "I don't think so," I say quietly looking at Louis. Louis face lights up as he says, "what about the secret door? Doesn't that lead into my house?" "You're right!" I whisper shout. "Well there's some kind of handle I've been sitting against the entire time. Is that it?" Harry whispers. Louis looks behind Harry and nods. "Niall, help me untie my hands," I whisper to him. He nods and we turn back to back. Niall fumbles with the knots but he finally unties them. Tiffany isn't the best at tying knots. "Thank you," I smile. I untie his hands then we both untie our feet. I bolt up but quickly lose my balance. Niall catches me before I hit the floor. "We need to be quiet," Niall whispers in my ear. Niall let's go of me and starts for Zayn and Liam, while I go for Harry and Louis. "I'm so glad we came to my house sometimes when we were younger," I say untying Louis hands. "Me too," Louis says. I get his hands untie and start untying Harry's hands. Louis unties his feet and so does Harry. A little while later we're all at the door untied. Louis bends down and turns the handle. "Now Harry, please watch your head. We don't need you hurt," Louis says. "Yea yea," Harry says waving Louis off. Louis and I kneel down to look into the crawl space. "Guys. Can you hurry up, I think their coming," Zayn says. Louis goes in first, me close behind. The boys follow us. As soon as we're all in we stop. Zayn's the last one in so he closes the door behind us. I hear footsteps come from the stairs. "What the hell?! Linda! Tiffany! Get your asses down here!" I hear my father yell. "What do you want, Marcas!" My mother yells back and another two pairs of footsteps are heard coming down the stairs. "Where did they go?!" My father yells. Louis taps my shoulder. I look back at him and he points behind him. I nod my head and tap Niall's shoulder. He looks over at me and I point my head behind me. He nods his head and taps the rest of the boys' shoulder. Louis and I start crawling towards the exit. It's dead silent besides my parents screaming at each other, just like usual when they were home. We reach the end of the crawl space and Louis turns the knob. He looks back at us and I nod. He looks back at the door and pushes it open. We crawl out. I stand up with the help of Niall. Harry shuts the door. "Let's go," Louis whispers. We head for the basement door when I hear a female voice from upstairs. The boys and I run up the stairs and through the door. Harry slams the door behind him. "Is someone here?" A British female voice asks from the living room. "Mum? It's us," Louis says as we head into the living room. "Honey, what are you doing here? When did you get here?" She asks. "Johannah, it was terrible," I say stepping into the room so she can see me. "Sarah, sweetheart! Oh my god. I was so worried about you when Louis called and said you went missing nearly six months ago from today. Are you okay?" She says hugging me. "I'm fine now. Just glad I'm back with the boys," I say hugging her back. She pulls away as she asks," How did you get here?" "Sarah's mum and dad had us hostage next door," Louis says. "Call the police, tell them your out!" Johannah says. "Can you call them, mum? We got something we need to finish," Louis says. "Of course. Be safe," she says grabbing the home phone. The six of us run out of the house and to my old house. Harry forces the door open. My parents come into the room that we're standing in, the front room, with Tiffany right behind them. "Do you know what you've done," my father growls. "Yes we do. We saved our lives," Liam says. "No that's not what you did. You-" "Just shut up, father. The three of you and I all know this is about me. Leave them out of it," I snap pushing to the front of the group. "Sarah, it's not all about you!" Tiffany shouts. "Well, at this moment, it is! So shut the bloody hell up!" I scream back at her. "I always knew that my biological parents never loved me. That's one reason why I always was with Louis those first ten years. Your suppose to put aside your differences and raise me. But you never did. You guys always fought when you both were home. I didn't want to hear it. Louis's mom was the only thing I had to a parent that loved me. Don't take it out on them if you want me to suffer for whatever the fuck you people are mad at me for," I growl at them. "You see, we can't leave them out of it. Louis and Harry are part of this and since the rest are their bandmates, they're now part of this," my mother says. "Linda don't be mad at me for what he did! I can't help that your husband had a me with my mum before he married you! And you can't hate Louis for raising Sarah like you were suppose to do! You can't bring them into this just because Louis and I are best friends with them!" Harry screams at my mother. I hear sirens in the distance getting louder and louder by the second. Before anybody can say or do anything, Paul's through the backdoor tackling my father to the ground and handcuff him. Police come through the front door and push through us. Two police men handcuff my mom and Tiffany. Another police man takes my father from Paul and walks him put with the other two who have my mother and Tiffany. I turn to Harry and throw my hands around his chest. "Thank you," I whisper into his ear. He wraps his arms around my back and hugs me. "Anything for you, sis. I love you," Harry whisper back. I pull away and say, "I love you too." Harry and I turn and walk out the door with the rest of the boys. Niall's up ahead of me talking to Louis so I run ahead to catch up. I grab Niall's hand. He jumps back but then continues to walk. "Jesus, Sarah. You scared me," Niall says as we reach Louis's house. "Your welcome," I say smiling at him. "Hey, Louis. Do you still have my room here?" I ask looking at Louis. "Yea. Everything just like you last left it I believe," Louis says. "Really?!" I squeal. "It was the last time I was here. You wanna go check?" Louis says. "Of course!" I squeal. Louis and I run up to my old room, dragging Niall with me. We get into my room, which is shared with Louis's room. "Louis isn't this your room?" Niall asks. "Yea it is but when Sarah was here, my mom got her a room here since she spent basically every night she could here," Louis says. "Oh my god! This is we're it is!" I scream dropping Niall's hand and rushing to the necklace on my old dresser. "Yea, I meant to bring that with me the first time I saw you when you moved but I forgot it. Kept forgetting ever since," Louis says walking up next to me. Niall comes over to my other side. I open up the gold locket that's on a gold chain to see a picture of Louis on one side and his mum on the other side. "I still can't believe you got me this," I say. "Well, you are practically my little sister. And my mum raised you so you're basically a member of this family no matter what my sisters say," Louis says. "Need help getting it on?" Niall asks. I nod my head. Niall takes the necklace and puts the cold chain around my neck. "Thank you," I say smiling at him. "You're welcome. I'm gonna go down stairs with the rest of the lads. Give you two some space," Niall says. He turns around and gets to the door when I stop him. I turn him around and smile up at him while saying, "I love you." He smiles back and says, "I love you too." I go on my toes to close the space but come up short. He closes the gap between us and kisses me. It's a slow and passionate kiss, how it always is and I love it like that. We pull away and Niall smiles at me. I walk back over to Louis as Niall walks down stairs to the rest of the boys. "You truly love him, don't you?" Louis asks as soon as Niall's gone. I sit on my old bed, across from Louis's bed and nod my head. "I've never felt like this before, Louis. Every time I'm with him, it's like all my problems go away. I don't think about killing myself, or the hate from the fans, or Alvin and Trevor, or anything. I just know that when I'm with him, I'm safe," I say looking at Louis smiling. "It's called love, babe," Louis says standing up and walking over to me. He sits down and faces me. I swing my legs up and sit criss-crossed. "I can't believe you kept my room like this," I say looking around. "Yup. I had a feeling that you'd come back one day," Louis says. "Well, I'm back. But bigger. I think my feet might be hanging over the edge," I say chuckling. "Babe, you haven't grown that much," Louis says laughing. I punch his arm, "hey! I'm not that short!" I never can stay mad at him for long, I'm always on the floor laughing along. However, in this case, I'm on the bed laying down laughing my ass off. A couple minutes later we calm down. I sit up and wipe the tears from my eyes. In the corner of my eye I see a glimmer. I look over to my right and see a book on Louis's bed. "You got a book?" I ask Louis very surprised. He didn't read much as a kid. "It's not a book. It's sort of a photo album," Louis says getting up and grabbing it. Louis comes back and sits next to me. I sit closer to Louis so I can see the photo album. "Aw, Boo Bear! It's us!" I cue. "Yea. I made it when you left. I wanted to make it before you left but I never got around to it. I guess I was to busy worrying about what would happen to us," Louis says opening it. "Well, we're together now, aren't we?" I say. The first picture is Louis holding me as a baby. I smile when I see the next one. It's Louis reaching his arms for me as I take my first steps. "Aw, my first steps!" I awe. "And your first fall," Louis chuckles. This goes on for half hour I think when we get to the last picture. It's of Louis at 15 and me at 10 in front of Louis house for what we thought was the last time at that moment. "The last time we were together," tears start springing in my eyes.

8 years ago, Louis and I were standing in front of his house. Johannah just took a picture of us together. As soon as she finishes, I start crying. "Sarah, babe, it's going to be okay," Louis says as he pulls me into a hug. "But what if it won't. What if you move on, care for another girl? What if we stop talking? What if you stop caring about me, wanting me to leave you alone?" I cry into his shoulder. Louis pulls away and holds me by the shoulders, "I'm never going to forget about you or want you to leave me alone. We'll never lose touch." "You promise?" Louis wipes the tears from my face and pulls me back into a hug, "I promise."
End of flashback

"Babe? You okay?" Louis says pulling me from the flashback. "Yea, just remembering the day I left you," I say wiping the tears from my eyes that are threatening to spill. "You never left me," Louis says hugging me. I hug him back and say, "I love you, boo bear. You're my moon." "And your my sun. I love you too, babe," Louis says kissing the top of my head. Louis pulls away as his phone buzzes. He picks it up and checks it. He reads it then says, "come on. We should go down to the rest of the lads before they think we're doing something." Before I can say anything. Louis and I walk down the stairs as I hear a guitar start playing. We walk into the living room as I hear the guitar get louder. I recognize it as little things. I look over at Louis confused. He just smiles and sits me down on the couch across from the fireplace, where the boys are standing. He walks over to stand by the rest of the boys. That's when the boys start singing.

"Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me. But bear this in mind, it was meant to be. And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks. And it all makes sense to me... I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smile. You've never loved your stomach or your thighs, the dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine. But I'll love them endlessly. I won't let these little things. Slip out of my mouth. But if I do. It's you. Oh it's you. They add up to. I'm in love with you. And all these little things. You can't go to bed without a cup of tea. And maybe that's the reason that you talk in your sleep. And all those conversations are the secrets that I keep. Though it makes no sense to me. I know you've never loved the sound of your voice on tape. You never want to know how much you weigh, you still have to squeeze into your jeans. But you're perfect to me. I won't let these little things. Slip out of my mouth. But if it's true. It's you. It's you. They add up to. I'm in love with you. And all these little things. You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you. And you'll never treat yourself right darlin' but I want you to. If I let you know I'm here for you. Maybe you'll love yourself like I love you, oh. I've just let these little things. Slip out of my mouth. 'Cause it's you. Oh it's you. It's you they add up to. And I'm in love with you. And all these little things. I won't let these little things. Slip out of my mouth. But if it's true. It's you. It's you. They add up to. I'm in love with you. And all your little things."

When the boys finish, I'm sitting here completely confused. Niall's standing in front of me when he takes his guitar off. "Sarah, I've loved you since the day I met you. I guess you could say love at first sight but I knew it was more than that. Words can't express how much I love and care about you. I know we've only been dating for seven months but it feels like more than that. Those five months you were gone, killed me. I know I can't live without you. You're the love of my life," Niall takes my hands and stands me up. He let's go of my hands and reaches into his right pocket. I have my hands over my mouth at this part, somehow keeping it together. He's gonna propose! I scream in my head. "Sarah Ballard, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me," Niall asks going down on one knee.
Oh my god! Niall proposed! What do you think she'll say? Until next time...

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