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Onism (n.) Awareness of how little of the world you'll experience.


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Draven galloped through the trees, staying pace with Kai and the other legionaries

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Draven galloped through the trees, staying pace with Kai and the other legionaries. They had destroyed the darkness that loomed over them in the forest before bolting through the towering trees, willing to slaughter anyone that stood in their way. Draven's blood thrummed with electricity as the mere thought of the Farsa hurting his people sent him in a barreling rage. From the stoney look on his king's face, Kai was having similar thoughts.

"I'm going ahead," he said to Kai, barely asking for permission. It was more of a bold request than a question. A sharp nod was all it took for Draven's eyes to turn into an electrifying blue. His power pulsed through him and suddenly, he was sucked into a familiar vacuum. His arms were pulsing with bands of electricity as he regarded the galloping legionaries in a distance.

Let's get some speed, he thought.

Every living being had pulses of electricity. While Draven couldn't make roaring tempests, he was capable of controlling the electrical pulses of any object. And currently, he had become a part of a pulse located at the edge of a leaf.

Draven took a deep breath in and lunged. He caught up to the horses in no time. The blurred life forms around him were something that he'd gotten used to; however it wasn't something he liked. It was always difficult to tell if there was someone lurking in the shadows, ready to snatch his electric form right from the air.

Kilijoavtum approached in the distance. Draven couldn't detect any electric pulses and fear spread through him as he became his elf form. There were always some sort of pulses in a city. But here, it was like a ghost town. He felt nothing and that terrified him beyond extent.

He walked between the houses which didn't look like they were damaged. Everything was normal, however, there were no people.

Where are the people here? He asked Kai, his voice laced with doubt, It isn't any festival is it?

None that I know of, he responded. Draven detected the slight panic which morphed into anger, Look around Draven, report if we aren't there by then.

Yes, your grace.

Draven jogged between brick paths, trying to figure out what happened. The horses, trade goods, everything was kept how they were supposed to be. He mounted a horse and loped towards the town square. It was dead silent. The sun was bright but a horrid darkness seemed to leach the word of color.

He looked around trying to figure out what happened. The town seemed like everyone had just left. The air was dry and the sun was still up, but the people... they were gone.

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