A Step After Another

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A/Ns: It's been a while, hasn't it? I know a lot of you guys don't mind the wait but I'd still like to apologize for how long it took. This chapter was a whole mess to write. Basically it was initially way longer, but then I decided to cut it in two distinct parts so not only you can have a part of it earlier, but I also think it's better that way for the following events. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy the chapter and I'll see you soon for the next one!


(The Night Before The Work Studies)

Y/n's never been good at going back to sleep once woken.

He laid in Momo's giant dorm bed. Come to think of it, it was a good thing she created one herself because first, the previous one would never have passed through the doorframe and second, the room would've been too cramped anyway.

Although, this was probably much more thinking than he should've had at that time of night.

The room was mostly cradled in darkness, not to mention the moonlight spilling through an inch partition between the two curtains of the balcony door. Honestly he didn't mind as long as his girlfriend, snuggled in his side and laying upon his muscular lean chest, was sleeping soundly.

Her presence was comforting and peaceful. Y/n just had to tilt his head slightly and his nose would breathe in the intoxicating smell of her peach-scented conditioner, a smell he'd come to love by the time. The more since the word 'peach' translated into 'Momo' in Japanese. And everyone knew how much he loved his Momo.

Despite the safety her presence in his arms provided him, he couldn't find the sleep he was painfully searching for. Momo had always been fast asleep. Sometimes he wished he could've said the same about himself, that listening to her calm and steady breath would plunge him back into a deep slumber.

Y/n looked at the ceiling - actually it was the top of the cream-silk canopy that draped over the bed. His mind wandered, it was always this late these thoughts kept his mind up. Whether it be the work studies, Momo's gentle breathe on his bare chest as she cuddled into him (that was likely the most agreable thought) or the dream of his mother he just woke up from.

Time went on and he showed no sign of going back to sleep soon. The tricky part began when he retracted his arm from around Momo, as gently, slowly and carefully as he could. He winced slightly when the sleeping ravenette groaned in protest, as if someone had stolen a baby's dummy, when he finally got able to slip away from her embrace.

He sat at the edge of the bed for a few moments, his brilliant ruby-red eyes shifting to Momo and watching her snuggling into one of her pillows instead. For as long as he had known her, she was such a light sleeper that even the slightest change might rouse her. When he had a nightmare, his incoherent mumbling awakened her and she pulled him out of the bad dream. He breathed out a sigh of relief for his luck in not having woken her run out.

The one thing he could think of to clear his head and calm his thoughts was a morning run, but looking at the time on his phone he saw it was too many hours too early to go train. Finally he got up, caring to just put shorts on, then walked over to the balcony, deciding that he needed a breath of fresh air anyway.

The chilly air of September hit his bare skin as soon as the door was slid open. He watched the soft sway of the trees across the campus along with the whistle of the wind offering him comfort. The night view of U.A.'s campus spread before him was quickly becoming a familiar one.

What finally gave him somewhat of a peaceful feeling was the Moon.

Y/n walked further onto the balcony, leaning his forearms against the railing and looking up at it. A smile played on his lips as memories he had with his mother flooded his mind.

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