Moving To The Dorms: Part Two

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"Are you sure I can't take the piano?"

In one wing of the Yaoyorozu family's palatial mansion, Y/n and Momo were about to finally be done with her packing. Momo's room which used to be impeccably tidy, was now turned upside down. A pile of several dozen cardboard boxes stacked like a pyramid seemed out of place within her elegantly decorated room.

"Babe, I'm already not sure the dorm rooms will be big enough for this bed to fit in, so no, you definitely can't bring the piano." Y/n said amusingly as he looked at his girlfriend.

"Oh really? How big are the dorms going to be?" Momo asked innocently, stopping to pack up all her remaining garments and turning towards her boyfriend. She was rich beyond reason and lived in a place to say the least... spacious. Of course moving to dorms would be quite a big change for her.

"Well..." Y/n walked around Momo's humongous third closet, the one being only intended for her evening dresses. "About as big as this closet." He spoke and Momo's face scrunched up in confusion.

"This small? Baby you can't be serious, this is my closet." Momo retorted, pushing her bottom lip in a pout. Yes. She definitely was insanely rich.

Y/n chuckled and stopped in front of her. "That's why I told you not to pack up all the clothes from the previous closets." He said and booped her nose. Y/n delighted in teasing his girlfriend. He never let an opportunity slip and had become annoyingly good at it since they both met.

Momo sighed. "Alright, I'm done with my packing then, besides, why didn't I even think that I would never need to wear a dress to class..."

"Momo?" Said her mother, entering the room. The teenagers turned towards the source of the voice and walked out of Momo's closet, meeting Yumi. In her shadow was the family butler, Uchimura.

"Well? Are you prepared for your big move?" Yumi asked, anxiety somehow escaping from her tone. Something Momo took notice of but didn't pick up.

"I've just finished packing, mother. It would have taken way longer without Y/n's help. As you can see, we tried to make everything as compact as possible, yet..." Momo furrowed her brow in discontent, she realized that not even a quarter of it all would fit in her future room if the dorms were as small as Y/n predicted.

Her mother wore a look of concern as well, but for the complete opposite. "Will you manage with so little? Did you pack a tea set large enough for your entire class, so that nobody feels left out at teatime? And how about your evening dresses?" Yumi's concern did nothing to ease Momo's expression.

"Surely all those things aren't necessary mother..."

"It never hurts to be prepared, Momo." Yumi said flatly, which made her daughter start to doubt herself for a second, but she fastly pulled herself together meanwhile Y/n attended the scene silently.

"Mother, honestly I don't think I'll...-"


A word and a glance from the lady of the house prompted a small nod from the butler, he understood his employer's wishes without a full explanation.

"Another cardboard box, ma'am? Of course. I've also been informed by U.A. that a maid may not accompany Miss Momo within the dormitory, so I've taken the liberty of purchasing the latest models of household appliances." The butler said.

"All of which are sure to be useful for the other students as well! Wonderful! Ah, and we mustn't forget entertainment, the contents of the playroom will have to be packed as well." Yumi added.

"Mom please..." Yumi and Uchimura stopped their dialogue and looked at Momo as she just interrupted them. "The school dormitory will be a place of education and training. We're meant to be as self-sufficient as possible." Momo said, objecting to her mother's frivolous additions to the packing list which was already way too long.

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