The Rescue: Part One

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Edgeshot's POV

"Okay, from every piece of information we gathered we know that the kid is probably inside, so the villains are. Everything will go very quickly, we mustn't let the villains any time to react." Tsukauchi says addressing to all the police forces and Heroes grouped around him.

Thanks to the U.A teachers and pro Heroes Vlad King and Eraser Head and their depositions, the police got enough infos about some of the villains and, thanks to a civilian who provided more infos a few weeks earlier, they found out that one of the villains who attacked the camp also went into a certain building recently known to house here a clandestine bar. That's apparently where the League hides currently and has been hiding since now. That's also where the first team of Heroes stands in front of at the moment.

After being told by the police the reason of why we had been called for, we, Heroes split into two teams with the team I stand in essentially made up of All Might, Endeavor, Kamui Woods, and Gran Torino. Right now we stand outside of the bar meanwhile the other squad composed of Yu (Mt. Lady), Gang Orca, Beast Jeanist, and Tora must have reached the hangar by the time.

As far as the plan us built up, we're planning on assaulting the two places we know of at the same time in order to don't let the villains any chances.

In my concern, I lead a small police detachment to the inside of the building to the bar's door. Then I have to get their attention only for All Might to breach through the wall opportunely and catches them off guard.

"No matter what's going on inside, keep in mind that the rescue remains our absolute priority." I speak up calmly, making sure everyone clearly understands the mission's stakes. Everybody nods in agreement.

"Exactly. Young Y/n may be a very strong and promising Hero, but he's only a child still and one of my students. I can't afford to let him get hurt." All Might says, seriousness sporting onto his face prevailing over his usual iconic smile which is rather unusual to be noticed.

"You all know what you have to do, now everyone gets to its post." Tsukauchi commands to which everyone obligates and reaches their post without questioning. I do so and enter the dilapidated building followed by a group of heavily armed policemen.

'Hold on kiddo, it's just a matter of seconds now. I let your mother down but I promised myself I won't commit the same mistake with you.'

Just as I end myself before the door, I already hear the voices of what I assume is the villains but only get to hear muffled voices because of the hubbub going on inside. I look over my shoulder, giving a quick glance to the policemen behind me and they nod meaning they're ready. I nod the head as well in response before giving all my attention to the door and what's going on inside. I take a breath and direct my hands at the door.


"Good evening, Kamino's Pizza!" I say through the door visibly gaining everyone inside's attention since I hear the voices stopping to talk for a few seconds.

"Who the fuck ordered pizzas!?"

"I didn't I swear! Or maybe I did..."


At the same moment a loud noise of breaching wall echoes through the entire building, followed by it shaking a bit to the impact.

Assuming it's time after hearing the uproar coming from the inside, I use my quirk and flatten my body to get through the door groove and now get a perfect view on all the League of Villains, all caught in Kamui Woods' Lacquered Chains Prison, and all looking clueless to say the least. They really didn't expect us to assault now.

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