Memories Of The Past

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Y/n's POV

I jerk awake from my sleep sweating and panting because of another nightmare. I let out a scream as I wake up and by the same way, I unfortunately cause all the boys in the room to shoot awake. I lower the head and put it in my hands as I try to catch my breath which was at that point heavy and irregular to a normal pace. I panic as I suddenly feel a tap on the shoulder.

"Hey Y/n, chill man, it's just me." I recognize Kirishima's voice which sounds like he's trying to reassure me. I briefly look at him to see him staring at me worriedly with a weak smile then I put back my head in hands and rub my eyes sighing of relief.

"Are you ok man?" He asks concerned. I slowly nod as I manage to return my breath to its standard rhythm.

"Y-yeah I-I'm fine." I lie to him.

"Uhhh Y/n? What about that?" Kaminari asks. I look at him to see what he's talking about and realizes he points at my arms which appear to have dark matter flows twirling at an incredible speed around them. I deactivate my quirk. Then I gaze at the others all looking at me.

"The fuck was that!?" Bakugo asks frantically, already sounding pissed off even if it's only 5:00 a.m. Some others despite than trying to look comforting and don't talk definitely have the same question walking in their mind.

I sigh and answer. "Nothing, just a bad dream."

"Nothing!? You had your quirk activated!!" Mineta shouts hiding under the covers.

"It tends to occur when I have bad dreams." I explain nonchalantly getting up and walking to the door.

"Where are you going?" Iida suddenly asks.

"Taking a shower. Sorry for waking you up." I answer coldly before I leave the room and probably let them all wondering about what just happened.

I drag myself down the corridors towards the boys' shared shower room where I hop into a cabin. I turn on the tap and hot water start flowing down over my body. I put a hand against the wall to support myself while I rub my face with my other hand.

"Jeez, why did I have to get a fuckin' nightmare this week..." I think as a few strands of my hair fall frontward my eyes obstructing my vision.

Shards of the nightmare flash through my head. My whole body shivers because of these memories. I close my eyes and look down. "This is just a bad dream, let's forget about it." I think as I try to wipe these bad memories from my head. I stay still under the hot water for minutes before I shower properly. Thereafter I step out of the shower, brush my teeth and get dressed.

As I'm about to make my way out of the bathroom, Midoriya walks inside. I give him a weak smile because of what happened earlier, he returns the smile but wider. It looks like he wants to say something but remains quiet instead as he walks frontward the sinks. I grab the door handle but I'm interrupted by Midoriya before I can step outside.

"Y/n, I-I know I am not th-the most qualified person to that kind of stuff, b-but if you need someone to talk then I'm here for you." He says with his signature slight stuttering. I smile at his words but he doesn't see it since he stands behind me.

"It was just a stupid nightmare, I'm sorry if I worried you and the others. But thanks for your concern anyway, I appreciate it." I say before I step off the bathroom. I smile a bit thinking back about Midoriya's words while I walk down the hallway. Despite being introverted and shy, he's always the first person to reach out. I'm glad that I get to call him a friend.


*Time skip at training*

"Ok class, your training starts today, for the rest of the week you'll be training with the main objective of the provisional license. You have to be ready to stand up to and against the action and hostility of your enemies, keep that in mind." Mr Aizawa states as the class hardly manages to listen since it's still too early to be awake listening to some of them. That's the moment where I'm supposed to thank dad for being used to wake up early.

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