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3rd person POV

"Attention everyone! We're coming onto the battlefield right now where the heroes'rescue efforts began during All Might's battle and continue in the aftermath. Victims are escorted by ambulance as we speak, the casualty number so far is unknown but is expected to be significant given the unprecedented level of destruction. The villain that caused this catastrophe is… Ah, at this very moment!! The villain is right over there being loaded into an iron maiden and escorted away in the Tartarus prison! We can see that All Might, the police and the other heroes are taking precautions!" Momo listened to the reporter speaking through the giant screen while she tried to make her way out of the crowded sidewalk. She was interrupted by Todoroki gripping her shoulder to get her attention.

"Yaoyorozu where are you going?" She turned to look at him before she answered.

"You heard the reporter, she said the victims are taken away by ambulance. I'm heading to the closest hospital, I need to see Y/n now." She responded really determined to check on her boyfriend as soon as possible. Todoroki looked at her in eyes and he recognized that look. There was distress in her eyes. She had regained composure but at any moment she could break down again. And he knew for certain that after everything they all went through and everything she was forced to look at but without being able to do anything, now that she finally was able to go and make sure her boyfriend was fine, nothing could dissuade her.

A nod of his head preceded his answer. "Alright, I'm coming with you." Momo didn't think she'd hear that.

"W-What? I thought you wanted to find Iida and the others?" She responded in an interrogative way.

"It was what was agreed but they shouldn't mind."

Momo smiled warmly at her friend. Right after that she looked up over his shoulder at what was displayed on the screen. It caught Todoroki's attention as well and he turned to face the screen.

The woman had stopped talking and the camera was now filming All Might. He didn't look at her and simply raised his hand pointing to the camera. He coughed up blood and some more was dripping from his head. The dawning sun was basking him in light as he spoke up.

"Now it's… your turn."

People around started to cheer, taking it as a message for the other criminals telling them that the Symbol of Peace hadn't been broken.

It would be a lie to say that each of All Might's students who attended the scene, that is to say all except Y/n and maybe the last few who didn't recover from the villains' attack on the summer camp and even at that point they must have woken up as well, did not feel weird in the face of their teacher's words. For now, their indomitable Symbol of Peace was gone. They all well understood it listening to his last words. The people understood it, so did the villains.

Now more than ever the students needed to be prepared for the dark times the world would most likely experience.

Now, it was their turn.

Not far from where All Might freshly defeated the villain that caused such horrendous damage, a makeshift emergency center was made and victims kept flocking while others were evacuated by ambulance. The chaos was still fresh in everyone's mind. Every single person here went through hell along the past hours. Some lost everything they had, their friends, their families, their home. The threat that All For One represented was eliminated, but at what cost? They lost their Symbol of Peace, the pillar on which society has been resting for too long. And yet the worst didn't happen, it was about to come.

But now wasn't time to lament his plight, it was time to save lives.

Heroes took care of the rescue and repatriation of the wounded to the improvised hospital. At the beginning it was just the few heroes present when the battle was raging but many others joined in progress.

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