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Y/n's POV

I'm standing in the middle of a ruined town. Everything around is dark and cold. I rub my eyes. The sound of sirens can be heard far away.

"Where am I !?" I almost shout but no response since there's nobody around.
I can barely see a light far ahead, I walk quickly to it. But it seems to vanish as I get closer.

I look around trying to find it but something else catches my eyes. A trail of blood is shown on the ground. I follow it until I reach a man's body with a pool of blood below him.

I see the body from the back. I reach him cautiously, grab him by a shoulder and spin him around.
A view of horror meet my eyes.

"DAD !" I scream.

Tears fall down quickly. I stay there kneeling, looking his body devoided of life. I'm shocked when I look at his chest. I didn't notice the hole in it. It was clean as if it was desintegrated.

"Y/n." a familiar voice suddenly calls me weakly.
I turn and my eyes go wide. I instantly rush at it.

"Ohhh nononoo Momo !" I scream as I come close to her.
I lift her head from the back with a hand and grab one of her hand with my other one. Her body is covered of bruises. Her breathing is heavy.

"It's going to be okay Momo, I'm here now !" I shout.
She coughs spiting blood. I'm filled with dread at the idea of losing her too. Tears flows down.
"Y/n..." she says slowly with an even weaker voice.
"I'm here Momo !" I hold her hand more tightly.
She runs a hand to my face and strokes a cheek.
"" she breathes her last.
Her arm falls slowly, lifeless.
"Momo, please stay with me !" I say of a cracking voice.
Her eyes are now blank, a single tear flows down his cheek. She was gone... I cry as I never did before.

"Ohh, how sad it is. First you loose your father and now her..." someone says, standing behind me.
I turn around, still on the ground lifting Momo's body. I stare at a dark silhouette with a weird mask, I could barely see, my eyes being irritated from tears. He's just standing there.
"You did this to them !?" I shout throwing an energy beam at him.


It goes through.

"Very insightful and what a quirk !" he claps his hands slowly.
"Who the fuck are you !?" I shout.
"That's something you'll get to know sooner. Hahahaa."

Then everything around gets foggy and blurry. With the last thing I can hear is that devil laugh I've heard for years now in my nightmares. But it was the first time I saw the man behind it.

"Y/n. Y/n !"
I'm suddenly awaken. I startle and see Yumi.
"Y/n are you alright ?" she asks concerned.
I'm drenched in sweat, my breathing is loud and uneven.
"Yeah *gasp* I'm fine." I answer.
"Are you sure ?" she says worried pointing to my arms. My eyes go wide of stupor at their sight. A veil of dark matter covers my forearms. It was the same as when I beat Monoma's ass and I didn't command it. I call it back.
"Bad dreams ?" she asks.
I nod looking down.
"It gets more frequently." I say of a weak voice.
"Anyway do not matter it's not real." she replies placing gently a hand on my shoulder.

Then she leaves the room. I go shower and dress then. Next I go downstairs right into the kitchen for taking my breakfast with Yumi.
"So, last day of internship isn't it ?" she asks sipping her tea.
"Yeah, I can't wait for Momo being back." I say excitedly.
"You two really love each other huh ?" she asks.
"Yeah, I love her more than anything you can imagine." I say smiling. She chuckles. Then I finish taking my breakfast. I say goodbye to Yumi and walk to the agency. I take my time on the way since I'm note late. I put my earphones, listening to the news.

My Hero [Momo Yaoyorozu x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now