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Y/n's POV

7:30, I'm on the way to UA with Momo by my side. We walk silently as we just content of the other's company but after a while Momo breaks the silence.
"Y/n, what do you think is the important thing that mr Aizawa wants to tell us ?" she asks.
"Huh I have to admit I didn't even think of it. Maybe a new kind of training, who knows ?" I shrug.
"Hmm I don't think so, otherwise he wouldn't have mention it as an important thing" she repplies.
"True" I say rubbing my chin.
We keep walking until we're interrupted by a kid coming infront of me.
"You're the 1st guy from the UA FESTIVAL right ?" he says excited.
"Uhh yeah it's me" I answer confused.
"Would you please take a picture with me ?" he asks.
"Sure !" I repply as I look at Momo, she nods and smiles.

I take the picture with him. He thanks me.
Then I hear people around me talking.
"Is this the guy from UA ?"
"Yes he won the Sports Festival, that's him !"
"You have a strong quirk !"
"So cool ! Can I have a picture ?"
In a few seconds people are gathered around me and I'm far from Momo. I look at her and she giggles as she sits on a bench next to her and takes out her phone.
After a while I'm only standing with a few girls my age.
"You know you're pretty cute"
"Can we take a picture ?"
"Do you have a girlfriend ?"

I turn to Momo, she definitely looks jealous. She gets up from the bench and walks behind the girls.
Then she clears her throat loudly to get attention.
The girls turn towards her.
"Huh ? Who is she ? / What does she want ?" two of the girls say rudely as the last one remained calm.
Momo starts to get angry, I decide to intervene.
"SHE is my girlfriend" I say coldly as I walk next to Momo.
"Now you two move away" I say to the two rude girls before I take a picture with the third one.
Then I leave holding Momo's hand.
"It's okay Momo, you know I only love you" I say kissing her forehead.
She smiles and interlocks our fingers before we walk the end of the way to UA.

We arrive and open the class door. Today I directly go to my seat and Momo follows me and sits next to me at her table.
Then Jiro comes in and talk a bit with Momo.
I feel a hand on my shoulder, I turn around.
"Hey Kaminari, what's up ?"
"I need to talk to you. Away from them" he says pointing Momo and Jiro with his finger.
I follow him out of the class and lean against the wall.
"What did you want to talk about ?" I say.
"I need advices" he says a bit embarrassed.
"Sure, about what ?" I ask.
"Girls..." he answers.
"Girls ? I'm not the better placed to teach you advices about girls. Why don't you ask Jir- oh wait, it's about her, right ?" I say.
He remains silent and nods.
"Okay... Humm listen I'm not the best to teach you about this since I'm still wondering how did I end in a relationship with Momo.
But as far as I know, you have to show her you really care about her" I say.
"It's easy to say from your pov, you already are in a relationship with the most beautiful girl of the school..." he says.
At first his comment makes me giggling but then I regain my serious.
"I know that, but first, never say to a girl that another one is prettier.
Second, I would tell you to take your time. I know Momo and me ended together quickly, but not everybody goes at the same speed.
And last but not least, never listen to Mineta" I say the last sentence laughing.
We both laugh then.
"Thanks Y/n, it really helps me !" he says.
Then he gives me his fist for a high five, I correspond to it.

Back in class. I go back at my seat, Momo is waiting the class to begin since Jiro left her. I take a seat and look at her smiling.
She smiles back.
"What did Kaminari wanted ?" she asks.
"Hmm nothing" I say smirking.
"Ohh come on, you can tell me, please ?" she says almost begging.
"I'm sorry Momo but not this time" I say. She sighs and starts pouting. I laugh. Then mr Aizawa comes through the door. He took off his bandages.
"Hello class, sorry for being late" Aizawa says lazily.
"Mr Aizawa you already took off your bandages, that's a good thing" Uraracka says.
"Wasn't that too soon ? Kero" Tsuyu adds.
"*sigh* No it's okay, anyway we don't have time to loose. During the following week, you'll be in internship in a hero agency.
The heroes watched you during the Sports Festival and sent you invites to their agency" he says.

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