A Day Together

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Y/n's POV

I awake to the light coming through the curtains. I watch my phone, it's 9:05 a.m. I step off bed and lazily walk to the bathroom to take a shower. Then I go downstairs and take my breakfast.

I watch some TV, sprawled on the couch when my phone suddenly vibrates. I unlock it and smile at the sight of a message from Momo.

Momo: Hey Y/n, good morning. I hope I didn't wake you up.

Me: Hey Momo, you didn't wake me up. I awoke about 30 minutes ago. How about you?

Momo: I just wake up a few minutes ago... Anyway what are you doing today?

Me: Well, I don't know. First I was thinking about spending the whole day on my couch. But maybe I could spend time with my girlfriend if she wants to... 😉

Momo: Awww Y/n. You're so cute. Of course I want to hang out with you!

Me: Great! What do you want to do then?

Momo: I don't know. Why don't you first come to my house and we'll decide then?

Me: Fine. What time do you want me to pick you up?

Momo: I'll go out with my mom for lunch. We should be back at 2:00, so why don't you come then?

Me: Seems good to me. I'll see you later Momo.

I stretch out and get off the couch. "Fine, I've got plenty of time before I go to Momo's place. Maybe I could do some work... I don't feel pain in my shoulder anymore so should be good..." I think.

I make my way through the house towards my bedroom to change in a more suitable outfit and then leave the house for a jog. I start running toward the park. After an hour of run I decide to take a break. I walk over to a lone tree in a large patch of grass. I sit and drink some water, watching some kids at the playgrounds.

A hand taps on my shoulder. I turn in order to see Midoriya smiling at me widely like he usually does with everyone. "Hey Midoriya."

"Hey Y/n, how are you since the U.S.J?" He asks looking concerned.

"I feel better than ever." I say smiling back.

"I'm glad to hear it. Is that your first time running here?" He asks me.

"Yeah, but I already like this place." I say looking across the park, smiling ecstatically as I remember the kiss with Momo. "How about you?" I reply.

"Ohh I don't come here often either. I usually train at the Takoba Municipal Beach Park. But I wanted to come here for a change." He explains rubbing the back of his neck nervously. Typical Midoriya attitude.

"Midoriya can I ask you a question?" I demand after a short moment of silence.

"Yeah sure Y/n, go ahead." He says.

"Last time I got to talk to Bakugo he never stopped saying you were a quirkless. I have to admit I didn't care that much but then during the U.S.J attack, I saw you breaking your bones and Recovery Girl pointed out it wasn't the first time. So my point is did you just discover your quirk recently or is it just that you can't control it?" I ask honestly.

At first Midoriya seems shocked and blushes a lot becoming nervous, well more than usual. But he eventually calms down and answers.

"Y/n, you're definitely perceptive. In fact I always thought I was quirkless as doctors diagnosed me as one. But I later found, a few months ago that I still had a quirk. And I found it during U.A's entrance exam. And since I don't know how to control it yet, I break my bones whenever I use it." He explains.

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