Villains Attack

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Y/n's POV

"Please be fine Momo!"

At the moment I'm dashing through the forest as fast as I'm able to, using shadow energy to enhance my speed. From where I stand I can see smoke emanating from right about where the remedial class takes place. I hope everyone's fine over there, fortunately Mr Aizawa and Vlad King are with them and will protect them.

As I run I can't stop worrying about Momo. I know she's more than capable of defending herself but I worry still. No. Worrying is a weak word compared to how I feel. I'm scared to death, the simple thought of her being in danger with me not able to protect her is enough to make my heart fall to my feet. And thinking that she could be injured by a villain-. Hell no. I feel myself boiling from inside, I clench my fists and grit my teeth as I accelerate as fast as my legs would go.

"How did these villains found us!? I thought that every information about the camp was kept secret..." A lot of questions cross my mind while I'm running. The clearing from where the test of courage started is now in sight, I rush out of the forest and reach it. My eyes shoot open widely as the first thing I glance at to my horror is a bloody Pixie-Bob lying on the ground, her head under a massive club being held by a... man?

Next to him… or her… or whatever, stands a lizard guy. Since I come from behind and at a fast speed, they notice me only when I get close to them. I kick the tall guy in the chest which causes him to step a few steps back and by the same way free Pixie-Bob's head from under the club. I grab her in bridal style and, right after dodging an attack the lizard guy threw at me with his ridiculously huge sword which seems to come out straight from an anime, I rush frontward at Tiger and Mandalay who stand defensively in front of other classmates. As soon as Pixie-Bob is out of danger, Tiger pulls out his claws and lunges at the tall guy.

"Pixie-Bob, are you okay!?" I ask as I gently lay her on the ground. Her eyes are barely opened and she hardly keeps herself conscious but she still manages to nod weakly which causes Mandalay to sigh of relief.

Thereafter she gives me a confused look. "Wasn't Midoriya with you earlier?" She asks.

"Yeah, he's heading to pick up Kota at the moment." I inform her which reassure her about the safety of her nephew.

"Is everyone okay?" I then ask the others as I look up to them but I notice Momo isn't there which makes my heart sink. "Have you guys seen Momo!?" I ask frantically.

"She is still out there in the forest." Iida responds.

"Damn it!" I curse before I stand up quickly and start running back towards the forest's trail but I get stopped by Mandalay.

"Wait! Where are you going!? The forest isn't safe, we don't know how many of them there is. You all need to head back to the lodge." She yells.

"Not as long as Momo isn't safe." I shout, she tries to say something but I sink into the forest once again before. I run in a random direction hoping to find Momo soon.

A few minutes pass as I'm still running and Momo is nowhere in sight still. Neither any other student. I stop as an incredibly huge shockwave suddenly comes from the cliffs across the forest and catches my attention. That shockwave is so powerful that I can feel the resulting blast of air from where I stand.

"Wait, Midoriya went in that direction… was that him!?" I think as I look towards the cliffs. I want to go and help him but the others need my help as well, and letting Momo alone against villains is not even possible for a second. Besides, he made plenty of progress to be able to handle things on his own.

I look back to the woods in front of me and start to run back but a blue flamethrower-like attack suddenly bursts towards me and catches me off guard. I jump backwards as quick as I can, trying to avoid the attack but because of the lack of attention I have shown for a second, my right arm gets burned. I land on my feet a few steps backwards and clench my teeth as I groan in pain. I give a quick glance at my arm only to see it burned with forming bruises. "Tch… fuck…"

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