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Luz p.o.v

i watch the shorter girl walk away down the street and as though on queue when the green haired girl turns the corner Eda places her hand on my shoulder from behind making me jump. "hey kid, talked to Tibbles. if we can get a band together by the end of next month we got a spot. don't let me down because i had to use the 'but you've known me for years' card." she tells me placing a hand on her hip. i thank her and we decided to head home. we walked back to the car, me hopping in the passenger seat.

i pull out my phone and pull out the napkin with the number. typing it in my phone i just set her name as 'Amity' so it could help me remember it. i sent her a text saying 'thanks for the drinks and hanging out with me.'

"meet someone kid?" Eda asks putting the car into drive.

"yeah, she was one of the performers. she's super fucking pretty." i say looking up from my phone to the street ahead.

"well that's good someone came up and talked to you. is that why you were outside?" she asked me.

"yeah, i offered to walk her out. she said i'm the first girl that's flirted with her that hasn't tried to instantly get in her pants. so i think i got this one in the bag." i boasted proud that i got her to give me her number.

"that's great kid!" Eda implied. "if she's a solo act you could ask her to be part of the band."

"that's what i was thinking but i didn't want to ruin my flirty moment with her." i said still one hundred percent proud of myself.

"question." she began, "you smell of alcohol and weed. so i'm guessing you smoked and drank."

"not a question but yes, i bought a beer with the money you gave me. then that girl came up and bought me a drink, so then i shared my blunt with her." i say nonchalantly as i put my head against the window.

"you have weed?" she exclaimed sitting up straight in her seat. "how did i not smell it?"

"i have all my stuff in air tight containers. ya know? strict mom and all. and i also never smoked at home. i usually did it in the school parking lot." i shrug, having a great time looking out the window.

"how have you not gotten any time?" Eda asked, astonishment written on her face.

"good lawyers." i say simply, "mom has some family that are really good lawyers and we usually have to pay little to no money."

"you're a blessed child. my mom loved me but i would still get my ass handed to me when i got caught." she insisted smiling. we pull into the dirt path back to the house, i was exhausted. "by the way kid remember you have school at eight. i also put your uniform in your closet for you." Eda tells me.

"it's already almost two in the morning." i complain looking at the time on my phone. i had a notification from Amity too. i open it and she thanked me for walking her out and she told me she liked hanging out with me. it brought a smile to my face as Eda parked the car. we get out and unlock the house, opening the door. Eda plops on the couch and practically just passed out.

i walk up to my room and go to pick out clothes to sleep in, i decided to just wear a pair of boxers and a sports bra. i set it on my bed and then remembered that tomorrow i have to wear a school uniform. i groan and grab it from the closet. i throw that on my bed too and pick up the clothes i picked out prior, i walk out of my room and go to the bathroom to take a shower. once done showering i put on my clothes and brush my teeth. i walk back to my room after and see it's two-thirty on my phone. i lay in bed and decide to text Amity one last text time for the night and tell her goodnight. i put on my alarm and pass out.

i wake up to my alarm blaring and i turn it off. i sit up and stretch, i could still be sleeping right now. i see a good morning text from Amity and i smile. i go use the bathroom and brush my teeth. when i got back into my room i finally put on my uniform. it was a white collar shirt, a navy blue pleated skirt, a navy blue tie, and a jacket with our school emblem. i looked so stupid in a skirt but they wouldn't allow me to have the pants when i had to call in to make a placement. i roll up the shirts sleeves and half assed tucked in my shirt. i loosened the tie and kept the top button of my shirt undone so i didn't feel like i was being choked. i brush my hair and put on a navy blue beanie to at least match. i grab the jacket and put it in my backpack with my drumsticks, like hell i was going to wear something that preppy. i then grab my phone, wallet, and my skateboard that Eda either bought or stole and leave my room.

i walk down the steps to see Eda in the living room still passed out. i don't think she even moved. i walk out and start to walk into town. the gravel wouldn't allow me to ride my skateboard so i had to wait to get to some asphalt or sidewalk. after about ten minutes of walking i finally make it to the normal roads and then use my skateboard. i put on the gps to the school and make my way there.

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