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-----> kennedy's homecoming outfit

Chapter 13
Kennedy's POV:

I had just gotten my hair cut and Tiff and i got back the the house around 3 ish. I told her what happened last night with Carter, knowing exactly how she would flip out.

"Carter did what?!" Tiff yelled with her mouth open in shock.

"Yeah..." I sighed, scratching the back of my head.

"What did he say?"

"He didn't. I told him i would see him tonight and i walked away."

"It was raining yesterday did he at least take you home?"

I paused and looked at her for a moment.


"No. He peeled out of the parking lot and i... Walked."

"Girl are you insane!? Why didn't you call me!" Tiff yelled again.

"I didn't want to wake you! It was late!"

"Did you call Danger?"

My eyes grew wide, "no."

"Why not?" She said arching one of her perfect eyebrows.

"Because, he's probably mad at me still." I whined.

"Girl you have to apologize sometime, and if he's a decent guy he'll apologize too."

"Yeah... Okay. Not tonight though."

"Why not!!"

"You ask a lot of questions. I gave him tonight off, he didn't want to go to 'the stupid dance' anyway..."

"Wow. Okay. Well, do you want to get ready together?"

"Sure. Ace ad Carter will probably be together anyway."

I looked at the time and it was 3:17. I laid back on my bed with no motivation to get ready.

Something about tonight seemed off. I was feeling a bit uneasy about being somewhere without having Danger here. Since he got hurt, i've realized how serious Nikolai is about getting the information. I know understand why i need to be careful. I was stupid.

I guess i was lost in my thoughts because i didn't hear my dad come in. Tiff had to tap me.

"Kennedy i'm leaving. I wish i could stay longer to see you, but take pictures i left the camera for you. You're hair looks very nice. I love you." My dad walked to me and kissed my head.

"Okay dad love you too. Have a nice trip." I smiled and waved as he walked downstairs, leaving me in the house alone.

Tiff got up and closed the door, then without turning her body, she looks back at me with a mischievous grin.

"No." I said flatly.

"Oh come on! We have to have an after party here! You're house is perfect!" Tiff whined.

"Why not your house?!" I stood up, unplugging my phone.

"Because my parents are home! Your dad will be gone for a week! That'll give us time to make it seem like the party never happened! Please Kennedy!!!" Tiff pouted and got on her knees.

I rolled my eyes, shifting my weight to one leg. I looked back down at her, and she was making her self cry. Yes she can do that.

I groaned, "FINE! But you're helping me clean up. That means every inch of this place too." I glared at her.

Guardian: A Danger Love Story *complete*Where stories live. Discover now