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Chapter 23
Kennedy's POV:

I was released from the hospital a week after the incident. Luckily Jason and the guys were still able to stay out of jail. My memory started to come back also. One thing still bothered me though. Nikolai said he didn't kill my mother... But who could have then.

"Babe?" I heard Jason's voice.

I snapped out of my trance, "yeah?" He was looking at me with a concerned expression. "Sorry, i was just thinking..."

"About what?" He said as he handed me another beer.

We were sitting on the beach with the other's after deciding we needed a vacation.

"What Nikolai said about my mom's death. He said he didn'y kill her and that i should ask my dad what really happened... But i don't get why because Nikolai was the only one with her that night she died."

"He was just trying to mess with your head Kenny just forget about it. We're supposed to be relaxing, not thinking about that." Jason said with a slight attitude. He pushed his sunglasses up the bridge of his nose and drank his Corona.

"Fine." I sighed, of course i was still going to think about it.

My father called me in the middle of school to tell me that she died in a car accident the night before. He said he was with the police and at the hospital all morning which would explain why i had to take the bus to school. Which was weird because usually if my mom or dad couldn't take me, Nikolai would've been asked to do it. But he wasn't that time.

After a long day at the beach, all of us decided to go to a nightclub. We went back to the hotel and into out separate rooms. Girls and guys. I know i sounds like a regular high school field trip, but it seemed like a better idea when it came to getting ready. I picked out a navy two piece dress with silver platform heels and i put my hair half up and half down. Tiff wore a white body con dress with a black leather jacket, and black heels. Emma, being her more conservative self, wore a long sleeve crop top and a high waisted pair of shorts with 3 pairs of silver buttons up the front like sailor shorts. She also wore over-the-knee boots.

I called Jason to see if they were ready or not.

"Hello?" Bradley answered.

"B? Hey where's Jason? Are you guys ready?"

"We are ready, but Jason decided to take an extra long shower. He just got out."

"Ugh he's such a girl. Okay well we'll be waiting for you."

"Alright. Jason hurry up man." I heard him yell as he hung up.

I laughed and threw my phone on the bed.

"What to do while we wait?" Emma thought.

"Pre Gaming!" Tiff yelled and pulled out her bottle of Blueberry Vodka.

We turned some music on and started dancing and passing the bottle around.


"So you're saying you barely missed getting her pregnant?"

"With all that shit going on i forgot to tell her that the condom broke in the morning. But, i guess she's not pregnant. So i dodged a bullet on that one."

"But dude you always said if you could get out you'd want a family." X shrugged.

"Yeah, so i could be a better dad than my father was. So i could be like my mom..." I sighed, drying my hair with the towel.

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