"I love you too."

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In case u didn't assume that from the gif.

Its like 95% sex in this chapter. I hope u like! Read at your own risk!

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Luhyu!!! <3

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Chapter 15

"Damn it answer the phone!" I cursed and redialed Danger's number again.

"Do you think they got him?"

"He's not that easy to get him. He's fine... He's fine." I sighed, trying to convince myself that he was okay.

His phone went straight to voicemail, and i groaned.

"Kennedy we've been looking for him for 20 minutes. What if he went to the warehouse?"

"That's the last place he would've gone! Come one Tiff!" I snapped.

"I'm sorry i didn't mean to piss you off..." She pouted.

"No i'm sorry, i'm just worried. His phone is dead, Bradley said he doesn't know where he is..."

"Let's check your house."

I nodded silently before Tiff made a u-turn, burning her tires.

"I've always wanted to do that." She laughed.

I half smiled.


I put my gate key in, and Tiff drove through, and pulled up in front of the house. We got out, and i ran up the stairs, heels in my hand, and unlocked the door. I pushed it open, and dropped my heels.

"Danger?" I started to search around the main floor, "Tiff go check upstairs!"

She huffed and kicked her heels off and jogged up the stairs.

"Danger!?" I yelled, starting to panic. "Tiff did you find him?!"

"Girl i just got up the stairs!"

I ran upstairs, and down the hall to his room and practically kicked the door open, to nothing.

"Damn it." I cursed and checked his bathroom, the bathrooms in the hall, and the guest rooms.

No Danger.

"Kennedy i found him!" I heard Tiff yell and i'd never felt so relieved.

I ran down the hall to the other side of the house and into my room where Tiff was helping Danger up to his feet, and he was leaning on her shoulder for support.

"Oh thank god!" I huffed, and smiled.

I looked at the boy, he was so weak. It looks like he just ran until he collapsed. He lifted himself off Tiff and stumbled over to me and embraced me. I hugged him tight and buried my face in his neck. He was breathing really hard and he squeezed me tighter.

"I'm so glad you're okay..." He managed to breathe out.

"I'm glad you're okay too. I thought they arrested you." I said.

"I'm gonna go get you water..." Tiff walked backward out the room and winked at me before running down the hall.

"I tried calling you." He spoke up again, "why didn't you answer?"

"All of the commotion i couldn't hear my phone ring. I tried calling you back but your phone died."

He let go of me, "yeah... Did Bradley and Xavier make it out? Where's Ace?"

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