"You are with me."

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Chapter 7

---> picture of Danger's car (hehe see what i did there?)

Danger's Point of View:

"Danger do you see the SUV following us..." Kennedy spoke nervously.

"I saw it as soon as we got out of school. Why do you think I'm taking you with me instead of dropping you off at home first. Come on, I know you don't know me as a person, but how do you think I've gone three years without getting caught by the police?" I scoffed.

"I guess you're right."

"Besides you've seen me kill people before. This job is nothing. Now shut up so I can lose this Suburban."

"No need to be rude about it my gosh..." She rolled her eyes.

"Don't start with me, I'll hand you over to him right now. You're not my problem, I could careless about what happens to you."

As much as I wanted to believe that I didn't care, something about her made me want to protect her... And it wasn't the money.


"They're gone, you can stop trying to blend in with the seat." I said as I parked in the garage of the warehouse. Bradley and Xavier were outside.

"Stay here if you don't want to hear their mouths." I said sternly before getting out the car.

"Hey Danger lets go man! We're la- who's that?"

I turned to see where they were pointing to and sure enough, Kennedy refused to listen to me.


"Baggage. Now lets do this." I brushed it off and walked into the garage.

"BAGGAGE? Excuse me mis-"

"Don't worry about him. You got me." Xavier put her arm around her.

I took my gun out and pointed it at him, with the angriest look on me face.

"Do not touch her."

"Woah. Dude..." He got a little nervous and backed off.

"Danger what's your problem!?" Kennedy pushed me.

"You have some nerve pushing me bitch." I glared at her, and her face completely changed.

I was getting pissed off and i needed to walk away.

I turned and got in my 1968 Dodge Charger.

I turned it on and rolled my window down, "Kennedy you're riding with me, everyone else take the Range Rover."

"What if i don't want to ride with you, i want to ride with him." She pointed at Xavier.

I felt a huge wave of rage through my body, "GET YOUR ASS IN THE CAR KENNEDY."

She jumped a little, then quickly got in my car.

"No need to yell..." She pouted.

"You don't fucking listen. If you went with them, they wouldn't have taken care of you like i will." I snapped.

"Yeah, but..."

"What?" I looked at her.

"You don't get it. I'm never safe."

"You are with me." I sighed and said softly, staring in her eyes. I turned and looked at the guys, then looked back at her.

I watched her smile, "what was that?"

Guardian: A Danger Love Story *complete*Where stories live. Discover now