"Make your choice..."

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Chapter 20
Danger's POV:

I was pacing back and forth out front of the house trying to calm my nerves. The last thing i need to be is nervous. I swear if she's dead...

"Danger we found her." I heard Xavier say behind me.

I immediately stopped and followed him inside, and we walked to the computer.

"How'd you find her?" I stood there with my arms crossed looking at the screen.

"Uh, well we got this video..." Tyson sighed and opened a video of someone sitting in a chair with a bag over their head. He pressed play.

One man punched the person under the bag a few times, and the girly screams were like stabs into my stomach. They kept hitting her and another guy brought a knife to her chest and cut a line across it, blood slowly dripping out of the fresh wound. My fists clenched and Nikolai walked behind her and started to talk.

"McCann we know you're coming for her, but here's the thing, if you come. We'll catch you and your boys, kill them and leave you and Kennedy alive. You'll watch until i beat her into telling me what i need, until she can barely talk. Then she'll be forced to make a decision. If she doesn't tell me, i'll kill you. If she does... The world is mine, and she dies."

I heard a whimper and the girl shuffled under the bag. Nikolai removed the cover and revealed Kennedy's battered face. I felt tears forming in my eyes as i watched her start to lose consciousness. Nikolai noticed took the knife and stabbed her in the knee. Another agonizing scream left Kennedy's bloody mouth and i was two seconds away from breaking.

"Make your choice Danger. Or stay the fuck out of my business." Nikolai growled, then the video cut.

I stood there in silence, rage building up inside of me.

Tyson rewinded it and pointed to the screen when he heard a familiar noise of a train go by.

I stared at him, waiting for him to tell me.

"There's not many train tracks around this area. Just two, but they're in opposite directions... If we split u-"

"We're not splitting up." Xavier said sternly. "We'll get killed too easily."

"The seem to be in an old basement of a building, which would be in the industrial area. I know where those tracks are." Tyson explained.

"Then let's get out shit and go." I said.

"We need a plan Danger. We can't just waltz in there, if we do Xavier and i are dead." Bradley spoke finally.

"Then make one!! I'll be getting the shit ready." I yelled and walked to the bag of guns and ammo we had and started to load them all.

My heart was breaking on the inside knowing Kennedy was in so much pain, and so scared... Here i am, sitting on my ass waiting for those knuckleheads to form a plan... I loaded the last of my guns and turned around to look at them. They were oblivious to me as they talked about a plan and i decided.

I grabbed Tysons keys to his Charger and grabbed my guns and snuck out of the house. I opened the car door and got in, being quick about starting it up.

The guys rushed out the door trying to flag me down but it was too late. My mind was set on saving the girl i love. I had to do this now before it was too late.

Kennedy's POV:

"I SWEAR I DON'T KNOW!" I sobbed as Nikolai punched me again and again.

"Looks like your little boyfriend isn't coming. Looks like he doesn't love you after all." He grinned evilly and grabbed my throat. "Now for the last fucking time. What is the formula?!"

I tried to talk but his grip on my throat was too  tight. Tears streaming down my face as i felt myself get lightheaded. I started to blackout when i heard loud gun shots echoing from the hallways. I tried to turn my head but i couldn't, until one of Nikolai's men busted in the door and screamed.

"MCCANN IS HERE!!! He's killed everyone! I'm the on-" A bullet in the back of his head shut him up.

My head turned slowly towards the door and i saw Jason standing there. He was covered in blood, and he had a stab wound in his leg. His eyes were black with rage and his expression was a cold, heartless stare into Nikolai's eyes.

Darkness started to fade in and i slowly blacked out.

Danger's POV:

I shot the guy dead in the back of the head and he fell to the ground. I look up, and there's Nikolai standing a few feet away from me. I was so angry, and full of adrenaline that i didn't feel the stab wound or fatigue. My eyes scanned the room to see Kennedy's mangled unconscious body tied to a chair and my heart sank. I pointed my gun at him and slowly walked towards her. I kneeled down, tears forming in my eyes.

"Kennedy..." I whispered.

"Kenny please wake up..." I spoke again.

"She's not gonna wake up." I basically heard Nikolai smirking.

I stood up and lunged for him, "YOU SON OF A BITCH!"

Blinded by my tears i couldn't tell where i was pointing the gun, and Nikolai managed to grab it out of my hands and pin me against the wall. I thrashed around but he was a reasonable size larger than me. He had the gun at my temple and forced me to stop moving.

More of his guys showed up and they grabbed me from the wall and pinned me to the ground. Their knees were on my back, arms and legs so i couldn't move. One guy hit my head against the floor and i groaned from the pain. Then, he wrapped a nasty rag around my mouth so i couldn't speak.

"Now, i'm impressed that you managed to kill 34 guys all on your own... That's some serious skill. But there's one thing that messed you up. Emotion. You let them get in the way. You wouldn't be in this situation if u weren't crying like a little bitch." He spit in my face and i jerked, but the guys dug their knees into my body harder.

I heard a whimper and looked at Kennedy, who was waking up. Her eyes fluttered open and struggled to stay open.

I tried to say her same but it was muffled from the rag. She moved her head up a little and saw me on the ground.

Her eyes started to water, "Jason..."

"Now, Kennedy you're awake. Make your choice. It's either tell me the formula, or he dies." Nikolai cocked his gun and pointed it towards me.

I shook my head at her, hoping she wouldn't tell. When she didn't say anything, Nikolai grabbed my hair and pulled my head back, putting the gun to my head.


Her watery eyes looked into mine and she mouthed, "i love you, and i'm sorry."

I sighed and nodded.

"I'm not going to tell you anything."

I squeezed my eyes shut and braced myself. Every memory i had with her, with my parents, with my friends, started to replay in my mind. Then everything i wasn't going to be able to do... Seeing Kennedy alone in her room crying over a picture of us... I told her i'd always protect her... And i failed this time.

'I'm so sorry...' I thought to myself.

"Fine, then say goodbye to Jason McCann."


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