"Let's go home."

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"What do you mean he violated the contract!? He didn't do anything?! You know that!" I screamed at Agent Anderson standing outside Jason's hospital room

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"What do you mean he violated the contract!? He didn't do anything?! You know that!" I screamed at Agent Anderson standing outside Jason's hospital room.

"Shh Ms. Reed please, we told him he could not get in any situation like that again."

"Not even to protect me?! That's such bulls-"

"Kennedy listen! I managed to talk my boss down. He's not going to serve life, but he'll have to do some time."

"What is some time?" I glared.

"3 years minimum."

I was going to scream again but i realized it was out of my hands. I felt a knot form in my throat as tears started to run down my cheeks.

"What's wrong?" Anderson asked.

"I... i need him around."

"Why what's going on? Is someone still after you? We can give you a security de-"

"No i'm pregnant..." i sobbed and sat down against the wall.

"Oh... how far?" Anderson sat down next to me.

"Not even a month, but you said 3 years he'll be in jail."

"Yeah but he's granted visitors, and i'm if you submit the judge will be able to do something."

I stayed quiet, fearing for what the next 3 years would be like... how i was going to raise the baby alone. How i would feel when he got out. If he will change....

"Kennedy you can see him now." The nurse came out with a smile.

"Ill let you see him alo-"

"No, you're coming in, and telling him why he won't be there when his child is born." I snapped and walked into his room.

The sound of the heart rate monitor sounded too familiar

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The sound of the heart rate monitor sounded too familiar. It gave me goosebumps from the dreadful memories it brought back. Jason was surprisingly sitting upright, even though he was looking a little bit on the pale side.

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