"Don't say it.."

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Jason's Point of View:

It's been a few weeks since I've seen Kennedy, or even heard from her. I knew that she wouldn't want to see me either way, so I've just been staying away. I stopped going to school because what point is there, she was the only reason I was going. I'm leaving in a month and I don't have anything left. The guys went to look at a house I guess, now that their records are free. I have jail to look forward to and the only person that can lift my spirits thinks I played her for her money.

I decided to go and grab something to eat at this bar down the street. It was about 11 at night and I had nothing better to do. I parked my car in the lot and got out. Walking into the bar I got some stares as usual and people walked away from me. I sat at the bar, and two people got up and moved. It bothered me a lot more now than it did before. I ordered a drink and the bartender made it and as I went to give him the money, he shook his head.

"I saw the news report on what you did. You deserve a few drinks on the house tonight." He nodded.

"Thank you..." I lifted my glass to him and took a drink, then set it back down.

I turned to my left and watched some sports show on the TV. I wasn't really watching it, my  mind wasn't on that. It was on Kennedy. I couldn't help but thing that I should've been honest with her as soon as I fell for her. I don't blame her for not letting me explain. I'm a criminal wanted in more than 20 states. I wouldn't believe me either.

I heard a few laughs coming in the door. I turned and my heart dropped. Kennedy was walking in with Tiff. I turned, hoping she should see me.

"Are you going to talk to him anytime soon?" I heard Tiff say.

"No, he just wanted my money. I thought maybe he changed, but I should've known better."

"Kennedy you're being ridiculous. That boy saved your life, and risked his doing it. Multiple times."


"Maybe it was at first, but did you even stop to think that maybe because your father doesn't want you two together he tried to force him out."

I figured Tiff was going to try and convince her to talk to me, but it didn't seem to be working.

I turned to look at them, and I looked at Kennedy. Her hair had grown just a little bit since the last time I saw her. It was touching her collar bones now. She had a dark green dress on and her makeup was light, not that she needed any in the first place. I couldn't take my eyes off her. It had been too long since I've held her in my arms.

She turned her head and we made eye contact and she quickly turned back around. Tiff looked over at me and smiled a little bit and waved. I nodded towards her and she turned to say something to Kennedy. Tiff stood up and walked over to me and sat down.

"Hey, how've you been?" She smiled.

I shrugged it off, "Alright I guess. What about you..."

"I know you don't care about how I am, Kennedy does miss you. Even though it doesn't seem like it. She's been so heartless for the past week or so."

"That doesn't mean anything. I fucked up and I don't blame her for not wanting me around."

"Tell me something, and be honest. Did you just want her money?" Tiff looked at me, probably hopeful that I would say no.

"At first, I did. That's all I cared about. But, once I got to know her, I completely forgot about it. Her father kept threatening me for days saying I didn't know what he was capable of and there's things I don't know about him and whatever."

"Like what."

"I have no idea. He said he was just like me when he was in his 20's. I didn't care much for what he was saying until Kennedy told me what Nikolai said to her..."

"What did he say?" Tiff looked confused.

"He said that he didn't kill her, because he was in love with her. They fought a little bit, but he ended up backing off. The next day he found out she was dead.

"He's lying. He has to be." Tiff was shaking her head.

"She would've had to go home... Kennedy's father said she died in a car accident." I looked at her, then thought about the possibility that Kennedy's father had something to do with her mother's death.

"What the hell... What could've happened?"

I stayed quiet, thinking. If Kennedy had started staying late after practice with Carter, I would've been upset.

"There is a motive... Her mom was staying late in the office with Nikolai there, he was picking Kennedy up from school... I wouldn't blame her father if he suspected something was going on..."

"Don't say it." Tiff covered her mouth.

"If she went home... and it wasn't a car accident... Tiff I know what we have to do."

"What is that? You can't kill anyone they'll take back their deal and kill you!?"

"I'm not killing anyone... We have to find out what really happened to her mother."

"How are we going to do that? It's not like you can just walk into the public records office or wherever it is."

"That's why you're going to do it."

"Me?! I can't... Jason if we get caught... you can't get caught... You can't."

"We wont. I got this, I've done it a few times."

Tiff looked at me with fear in her eyes then looked over at Kennedy, who was talking to someone on the phone. She sighed, and rubbed her forehead.

"Can I get a shot of whiskey please."

I looked at her.

"What? I'm gonna need it working with your crazy ass."

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