"You have murdered people..."

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Chapter 30
Danger's Point of View:

"Kennedy do you need anything? Maybe a water?"

Kennedy had came inside after a long conversation on the phone. I wanted to ask why she was talking for so long, but i decided it was none of my business. When she got sick it scared me a little, i remember not using a condom that night after the crazy homecoming events. I forgot to tell her and get her the Plan B pill... If that's why she got sick, i don't know what i'd do.

"Yes please Jason."

I grabbed her a water out of the fridge and handed it to her, sitting beside her. I watched as she drank the water, and i thought about what our life would be like if she was pregnant... I'd be in jail for the first thee years of the baby's life. I couldn't deal with that.

"Baby?" I spoke up.


"I... I wanted to tell you something and please don't hate me for it... I feel like an idiot already."

She smiles and held my hands, and turned to face me. "Talk to me."

"Do you remember homecoming night, after i got to your house..."

She looked confused and nodded.

"Well whe-"

"JASON MCCANN." A girl's voice screamed from outside.

"What the hell?" I stood up and walked towards the door with my gun in hand. The person was banging on the door.

I opened the door, to reveal Rachel.

"Rachel? What are you doing here?" I questioned.

"What am i doing here?"

I nodded.

"I basically lived here you mean to tell me i can't come back and hang out?"

"No no, i'm not saying that at all. Come in."

She stared at me like i was some stranger. I followed her inside and she stopped when she got to the room Kennedy was in.

"Who's this?"

"Kennedy, meet Rachel. Rachel, Kennedy." I sat down beside her.

"Oh. Hi." Rachel sneered.

"Hey..." Kennedy looked at her awkwardly.

"Where are the others."

"BRADLEY, XAVIER!" I shouted and they came down.

"Ew what the fuck is she doing here." Xavier groaned.

I heard Kennedy giggle.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing, it's just it seems like you don't know when you're not wanted here." Kennedy smiled.

"Damn." Bradley laughed.

"Excuse me. Me and Jason used to be together."

"Oh really?" Kennedy looked at me with a giant sarcastic grin on her face.

"No. We were never official. She was my weekend fuck that would just show up randomly."

"Don't lie. You know you love me." Rachel smiled.

"I don't actually, i never did."

"Keep telling yourself that. Anyway, what happened to you McCann you like went off the radar and then all of a sudden you come back and you're not as tough as you used to be. I think missy here had something to do with that."

"So what if i did? He's still the same Danger you guys know. Trust me. But he's not always like that anymore." Kennedy explained.

I half smiled, "So Rachel if you do piss me off enough i will hurt you."

"Well who is she to you? Why are you being all nice to her."

"She's my girlfriend."

"Your girlfriend. Really. You have a girlfriend?" Rachel was surprised and i don't blame her.

"Yeah. And i'm happy with her. I hope you didn't think you'd come back and we'd go back to how things were before." I laughed.

"No, i didn't. But i'm leaving. Because i don't want to be here anymore." Rachel got up and started to walk out the door.

"Make sure the door hits you on the way out!" Kennedy smiled.

Rachel groaned and stopped out the door, slamming it behind her.

"Well. That was interesting." I laughed and the guys shook their heads.

"Oh Jason i meant to tell you, that detective called. He wanted you to call him back later today he wanted to talk."

I groaned, "alright."

"I think i didn't cook the sausage all the way through...  I was rushing because i woke up late."

"You think?"

"Yeah because it's not like i can be pregnant." Kennedy laughed, but the room was silent. She cleared her throat and looked down at her phone.

She's probably right. I'm just overthinking it. My luck couldn't be that bad.

A few hours later i gave the detective a call back.

"Hey you wanted to talk to me?"

"Yeah, hey Jason how are you?"

"I'm good. You?"

"Great thanks for asking. So i'm calling because the judge wants to set up a one on one meeting with you before your trial next month. He doesn't believe you deserve this little jail time."

"I don't blame him... When does he want to talk."

"This Friday."

"Alright. Send me where he wants to meet and what time and ill be there."



I put my phone down after hanging up and Kennedy walked in.

"What did he say?"

"The judge doesn't believe that i deserve to be let off the hook."

"I don't blame him."

"Thanks babe." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sorry but you have murdered people Jason. Cold blood too. He has a right not to trust that you will change."

"But i will. I don't want to live this life anymore. Always having to watch my back and what not. It's stressful." I sighed, "besides, now that i have you i don't want you to get hurt anymore."

She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck, "i'm not that fragile. I did put up a fight with Nikolai."

"I bet you did with your feisty self." I laughed and kissed her.

"Yeah, so you're gonna walk into that meeting and you're going to do your best. Tell the truth no matter what, he'll appreciate that. Whatever happens we'll deal with it. We always do."

"I love you..." I smiled.

"I love you too. Now let's go do something i'm getting annoyed with Bradley and Xavier arguing over who's a better shot."

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