"Don't mention it. Seriously to anyone."

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---> picture of Nikolai
Chapter 1

3 years ago...

- Kennedy's Point of View -

I held my bleeding arm as i ran as fast as i could away from that retched place. Away from him. The man my mother warned me about. Nikolai Baskov. He kidnapped me after school earlier today and threw me in a cellar tied to a chair. I got chills just thinking about it.


"Now you're going to be a good girl, and tell me what your mother found out about the weapon."


"You're really not in the position to lie to me little girl." The cold surface of his blade grazed against the skin on my cheek, making goosebumps raise on my arms. This man is not the man he's been saying he was. HE PICKED ME FROM SCHOOL ONE DAY FOR CHRISSAKE!

"REALLY! i don't know!" I shuffled a little in the chair then i felt the restriction around my wrists let up. I realized that his men didn't secure the rope around my hands and feet, so this was my chance.

"Hmm... maybe this will help you answer." The evil in his voice echoed in my brain, leaving a permanent spot for it among my other thoughts. My thinking was interrupted by a sharp pain in my left arm. When i looked, all i saw was a huge gash in my arm, blood spilling from it. It continued to hurt really badly and i started to cry and scream.

"TELL ME WHAT SHE KNEW!" Nikolai screamed, drawing his arm back, telling me he was going to drive the knife back in me.

I was still crying, stuttering through my words, i replied, "Nikolai please i really don't..." i sniffed and cleared my throat, that was now getting sore, "I swear!"

Nikolai looked me dead in the eyes with his grey ones and studied my expression, looking for any sign of discomfort because i'm lying to his face. I, Kennedy Elizabeth Reed, am lying to a Russian crime lord. What the hell is wrong with me?

"Fine. I believe you, but i'm not letting you go yet. I may be able to get some money from your father." He laughed evily and left the dark and dingy room.

"Make sure she doesn't escape." I heard him order the guard standing outside the door.

The other man nodded in obedience. The poor man had no choice, Nikolai would probably kill him if he didn't say yes.

I watched the door while i started to undo the roping around my wrists and ankles. This guard must've been deaf if he didn't hear the heavy duty ropes hitting the floor. I stood up from the uncomfortable, half broken wooden chair. Again, it made all this noise and the guard was completely oblivious. I tip toed as careful as i could be behind the guard. I grabbed a bat that was behind the door, and got ready to swing at his head when i heard another guards voice from down the hall. I stood behind the door and listened.

"Hey Nikolai's got us working even more now huh?" The guard asked.

"Yeah. I gotta watch this missy in here." I saw him point his thumb in the direction of the chair that i was previously stationary in.

"What girl?" The other asked.


"She's right...." The door guard walked in the room, "What the hell!? Where did she go!?"

I took this chance to my advantage and swung the bat at his head. The man dropped to the floor immediately, out cold. The second guy ran in and i did the same to him, good thing i would play softball with my mom all the time. I've got a pretty deadly swing.

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