"I can't."

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So, this is a hella shitty chapter. i don't know why, but it's not a good one. I'm sorry!


Chapter 17

Jason's POV:

"I SO HIT YOU!" Kennedy yelled from her cover behind the couch.

"You really didn't you missed completely." I laughed, standing up.

Now, standing up probably wasn't the greatest idea at the moment, she was pointing her Nerf gun directly at me. She stood up as i put my weapon down.

"Truce?" I shrugged.


I smiled at the frustrated expression on her face. I hopped over the couch and sat against the back of it, and she sat beside me. She really wanted to see what was going on in my town, but because of the whole homecoming thing, i have to be really careful. Extremely careful, because if the SWAT or something shows, and i have to run, Kennedy could be brought into the middle of my shit and i don't want her to have that stress.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Do you really want to go East LA?"

"Yes!" She whined, "I want to see if that lady is still there with her kids, and i want to meet people."

I huffed, "Not those kinds of people, i mean for Christ's sake you fell in love with me!"

She giggled and laid her head on my shoulder, "I did. But, that doesn't scare me. You don't scare me. Nikolai scares me..."

"You're not scared of me because you haven't seen me pissed off, and i mean murderous... Ask the guys, it's not okay."

She sat there in silence for a few moments then opened her mouth to speak, when there was a knock on the door that cut her off.

I shot up and ran to the basement stairs, and Kennedy got up to answer the door. I sat on the stairs, out of view from whoever was at the door and listened.

"Hello, are you Kennedy Reed?" A mans voice spoke. It sounded rough, like maybe he was a chain smoker.

"I am."

"We'd like to ask you a few questions, we've received information that you know where Jason McCann is. I'm agent Myers and this is Agent Lester."

"Who?" I could hear her say.


"Jason McC-"

"Danger." Another mans voice spoke, sounding much younger.

"Danger... That wanted guy that they were looking for at my homecoming?" She played dumb.

"Yes ma'm. So you were there when the FBI came to the school?"

"I was."

"Did you see anyone suspicious, or anyone was acting suspicious?"

"Not really no, i mean some kids came high or drunk if that's what you mean?"

"Not quite ma'am. He went by the name Derek Bieber?"

"Oh... I remember a Derek, but i didn't see him that night." She explained.

"Really? We have several witness' saying that they saw you with Derek, dancing and what not."

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