"just like your mother."

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I'm official graduated from high school.

Praise. lol

So expect chapter's more often!

<3 comment and vote please!

Chapter 19
Kennedy's POV:

My body was in so my pain. It's been almost 24 hours. Nikolai hadn't killed me yet, but i didn't know how long i could hold out. He moved me into a room with tile floors, it looked like a locker room or something. I was still strapped to a chair, but instead of a wooden one, it was a metal one. I was losing feeling in my hands and feet because the ropes were cutting off circulation. He had cut my shirt off to get to my skin. He cut several times across my body, and stabbed me several times. He burned me, and hit me repeatedly. I could barely see anymore, my eyes were swelling. I was sure i lost the ability to hear anything because of the blood in my ears. All i tasted was blood, and my stomach was starting to eat itself, i was so hungry.

Sometimes Nikolai would send in his men to do the torturing. They electrocuted me, they threatened to break bones, and they did. I was pretty a few of my ribs were broken.

I overheard them talking about what would happen if i told. He was going to make 5 of the bombs, release one on the capitol, then threaten the other countries into letting him rule. He said he wouldn't stop until the world was his. It sounded pretty farfetched to me, but i couldn't underestimate anyone at that point.

Every time u tried to get lose the zip ties would just get tighter and cut into my skin.

The door opened and Nikolai walked in, with his arrogant grin on his face like always.

"Hello sweetie."

"Shut up." I spit, literally. I spit blood when i spoke.

"Are you ready to tell me what you know?"

I shook my head no.

He sighed, "okay. I guess we need to do more."

"I guess so." I glared.

"You're a brave girl. Just like your mother." He looked down and a small smile formed on his lips. I felt my body tense as he spoke about her.

"She was a fiery one. Sweet but sour. She was an intelligent woman, married to a billionaire, when she was a millionaire herself. I remember picking you up from school and hearing you talk about what drama was happening. Your father never could pick you up, so the long nights your mom had she would ask me to get you. Of course, i told her i would. I started to really like you mother, i was feeling bad about lying to her. I decided that i needed to finish this. We started working later trying figure out this formula. One night, she rushed out of the lab, and i knew she had figured it out. On the way home, because that night she had to drive me home, i asked her what it was. She told me that the head of the department said to keep it classified. I threatened her and blew my cover. She stopped the car and told me to get out. We started fighting in the car, i ended up getting out, knowing i would get it one way or another. She pulled off. The next day... She was dead."

I didn't realize i was crying, and i bit my lip to hold back screaming at him. But, i couldn't help it.


"I don't know what you're talking about. That was the last time i saw your mother until i watched her funeral from a distance."


"Well it's the truth. I didn't kill your mother Kennedy, i couldn't if i wanted to. I was in love with her."


"But i do. I can see it in people's eyes, their actions, their voice... It's actually very easy to notice. I knew your mother didn't feel the same. But, i didn't care. I know McCann loves you."

I sniffed and looked up at him, "how do you know."

"I saw his face when we drove off. He was hurt and scared. Which is why i know he'll be here soon to get you back. At that point, i'll get him, and his boys, and i'll kill them unless you tell me."

My heart sank into my stomach. I stared at him wide-eyed and my mouth was parted.

"Yeah, not so easy now is it. You have a choice, and once he gets here, you'll need to make it."

"How will i know you just won't kill all of us after?"

"You won't." He said as he walked out and shut the door behind him. "Don't let anyone in here, other than me from now on." I heard him say the his guards.

I looked right at the wall, and thought about the choice he gave me. He basically just asked which would you rather save?

Jason or the world?

I had no way to warn Jason about Nikolai being ready for him. Even if he does get in here, and he get's to me, i'd still have to make that choice. Nikolai wouldn't stop, until he got what he wanted. He would kill everyone i love.


The things people do for it. For a stupid feeling you have for someone, or something. Every bad idea can be tied to it somehow. Love of power and money, results in greed. Love for another person, can result in envy, revenge, sadness, anger... Love for another person could kill you, or drive you to kill someone.

Jason loved me. He'd do anything to get me back. Including risk his own life, knowing he might die trying.

My mom loved my dad. She did everything for him. She picked up his dry cleaning, she made him dinner whenever he wanted it when she was home, and she would always volunteer to do anything that made his life easier. My dad never seemed to appreciate her. Come to think of it... At the funeral, my dad didn't cry. He looked pissed off, but not upset. I know he loved her though.

Nikolai said he didn't kill her, but he didn't... What really happened to my mom?

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