"I said, No."

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"Remind me why i'm doing this again." I groaned as i unbuttoned my shirt a little.

"Because Kennedy is your best friend and we're helping her." Jason smiled with that stupid smug little grin he does.

"Whatever, why do i have to unbutton my shirt and look like a slutty secretary."

He said nothing, and the guys were staring at me.

"OH DAMN YOU." I buttoned my shirt back up and got out the car. "Not cool."

"We'll see you later, check it out them give us a a call."

"Alright." I rolled my eyes and headed into the building.

I walked in there was an older man , maybe about 65 sitting at the desk.

I smiled nicely, "hey there."

"What can i do for you young lady?" He said not even looking up from his newspaper.

"I was looking for death records from maybe 3-4 years ago."

"What do you want with those?" He looked up with cold eyes.

"I'm doing a research project to get into college."

"Oh. Well, They go by last name."

"Oh... R."

"Back corner, up the stairs and third isle."

"Thank you." I smiles sarcastically and went upstairs.

This place looks like a library. I don't know why Jason couldn't have just done this himself. I doubt that old man gives a damn about what anyone does in here.

I get up the stairs and there's a police officer at each corner. Oh, thats why.

I started to look on the walls and there were about 60 folders labelled "REED".

"Son of a bitch. This is going to take forever." I took my phone out and called Ace.

It rang a few times before he picked up, "Hey, what's up?"

"Can you come to the public records office?"

"What are you doing there?"

"I'll explain when you get here. Can you?"

"Yeah sure i'm right down the street, 5 minutes."


After maybe 10 minutes of me just picking up the container with the folders, Ace finally showed up.

"Okay, so what are you doing." He looked confused.

"Long story short. Jason thinks Kennedy's dad murdered her mother."

"What?!" He screamed, then covered his mouth.

"Yeah, so help me find her death record." I started flipping through files.

"Okay... but what makes him think that?" He picked up a folder and read it.

"Nikolai told Kennedy that he could never really hurt Rose because he loved her. He said that the fight in the car was nothing. She got out and walked home."

"Okay, say that was true, someone could've hurt her on the way home."

"Here it is."

"You didn't even need me here you found it in like 3 seconds." Ace laughed.

"I wanted you here." I smiled. "Okay, let's see."

'Rose Marie Reed..... Died November 18 2012. Cause of death, unknown'

"What the hell..." Ace sat next to me. "Body found in woods, multiple lacerations and puncture wounds."

"Seems car accident like to me." He said.

"Except there's no record of her car being crushed or sold, like these ones that died from accidents."

"Oh shit... look..." My jaw dropped, "husband found body, reported to police."

"We have to tell her." Ace sighed.

"Yeah, but we need to tell Jason first. Her dad has something against him, so he needs that first."

"Lets get out of here."


We met up with Jason and the guys and went back to the warehouse.

"That evil son of bitch!" He yelled after we told him what we found.

"What are you going to do." Ace asked.

"I'm going over there. Tonight."

"We're going too." I said, referring to all of us.

"No you're not. I don't know what he's going to do when he figures out that i know. Kennedy wants nothing to do with me so at least IF he manages to kill me, she'll know the truth." He seemed almost careless.

"Jason this sounds like it's going to go bad, you need backup." Xavier sighed.

"I said, No."


Sorry i know it sucks. I'm so busy now with school and work i'm trying to get around to this.

There's only 4 more chapters left in this book you guys. Thank you so much for sticking around for it!

I love all of you!!! <3

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