"I will always come back to you"

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1 month later

"Jay what are you staring at?"

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"Jay what are you staring at?"

"You." He smiled, biting his lip.

"Stop it's creepy."

"How is it creepy. I can't stare at my baby mama?"

I sighed, turning around and leaning against the railing. "Don't call me that..."

"Baby..." i felt his arms snake under my jacket and around my waist. "I'm sorry. I'll stop. I was just trying to lighten the mood. You've been quiet since we got here yesterday."

I stayed quiet. Of course i would be silent. The father of my child is going to jail in less than 30 days and i don't know what i'm going to do. The guys said they would help me and so did the girls, but they aren't Jason.

"Come on, let's go down to the beach. You're going to be happy by the time we leave here."

"Just to be sad again because in less than 30 days you're leaving for 3 years!" I spat and walked back into the hotel room.

"Kennedy there's nothing we can do! Why cant you just enjoy this time we have please? Honestly, you staying angry at the unfair world isn't going to help me... or the baby." He was getting pretty irritated with me, but of course i didn't care.

"Jason what do you think i'm going to do?! I can't do this alone i'll have to drop out of school and i ca—"

"You're not going to have to drop out. That's why the guys are going to help you!"

"I'm not leaving my kid with them!!"

"Them?" He crossed his arms. "What are you trying to say?"

"I'm not leaving my child with gang members. In the middle of the ghetto."

"THE FATHER IS A WANTED GANG BOSS ARE YOU FORGETTING THAT?!" He yelled, stepping closer to me.

"THAT MAKES IT EVEN WORSE! JASON THE REALITY IS BECAUSE YOU'RE THE FATHER THIS BABY IS NEVER GOING TO BE SAFE AROUND YOU!" I screamed, trying to hold back tears. I realized soon after, that wasn't what i meant to say.

He stood there. Glaring at me. The same glare he gave me when we met for the first time.

"So what? Do you want me to leave? I'm putting your child in danger. " He said, venom laced in his words.

I sighed, "no... Jason it's no—"

"It is like that. That's exactly what you meant otherwise you wouldn't have said it Kennedy." He sighed and he grabbed his hoodie and his wallet.

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