Regulus Black

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(Warning! Physical abuse, torture)

Regulus squinted his eyes as he stared at the ray of sun coming in through his window. He had stopped crying, but his eyes were still red and puffy from last night. The clock hung high on the wall, it showed that it was 7 in the morning.

From a young age the Black Brothers were trained to wake up at an acceptable time.

Regulus tiredly walked to the bathroom and splashed water on his face. He shook his head to get the sleep out and brushed his teeth. The atmosphere in the house was eerily quiet, wait, too quiet. He rushed out of the shower and dressed in a fine black suit. There were large bags under his eyes and it was obvious that the young Heir had been restless.

He made his way downstairs, ignoring the small trembling in his hands.

The door to the dining table opened magically sensing someone's presence. As he stepped in he could see the looks on his parents face, it was nothing. Which meant that hell was about to break lose. Of course Regulus' parents were terrifying at first glance but this, this was a whole new level. He had seen this look on their faces only once. When Sirius had dropped the Black family diamond ring. That night was the first time that the both of them had been sent a crucio.

(T.W. it starts)

Still shaking, he sat at the table. Three seats away from both Walburga and Orion Black.

"Good morning Mother, Father." Regulus wished as formally and politely as he could.

"When did it happen?" Asked the calm voice of Walburga looking in his direction.

"I'm sorry mother, I'm not aware of what you're questioning."

"WHEN DID IT HAPPEN!" She screamed terrifyingly standing up from the chair harshly. Her tone was the highest and face the angriest.

"I'm not sure- AHH." Regulus rolled down on the floor withering in a great extent of pain. His skin, everywhere, it was burning. Burning like hell. Huge drop of tears cascaded down his face as he cried out and pleaded for the to let go.

He was being relentlessly crucioed and hit from both his mother and father. A 1000 knives burning, cutting their way through his skin. He cried and he cried but it didn't stop. His face hit the ground harshly as blood streamed through his forehead and nose. It all stopped eventually and everything turned pitch black as his mind slipped into darkness.

(Trigger ended) if you didn't read then basically they asked him about sirius and then crucioed him for not telling.

"Wha?" Regulus tried to speak but his throat felt sore. He looked around and recognised his pastel black bedroom.

He let out a sigh and tried getting up but his chest was pushed back down onto the bed.

"Master Regulus has been gravely injured because of Master Blood traitor's absence. Master Regulus should rest." The scratchy and squeaky voice of the house elf, Kreacher said.

Regulus tried to smile at the small creature with thankfulness. At least he won't be in that much pain if Kreacher healed him a bit.

He was a kind house elf even though he may have looked mean. Reg knew that Kreacher was only healing what couldn't be seen by his parents easily.

He was stuck there, now that Sirius had gone there was no way that his parents would let both the heirs get away. It surprised Regulus that they expected both of them to stay even though they were treated like shit. Their parents wanted respect and Sirius was never one to give it.

Don't get him wrong, even Reggie himself didn't respect his parents that much. But at least he acted like he did unlike Sirius who rebelled.

Regulus always did anything they wanted out of fear but Sirius was never one to fear. The sorting hat was right, Sirius did belong in Gryffindor. Where the brave were, the courageous.

When Regulus was sorted into Slytherin he could practically feel the disappointment of Sirius and his friends.

His friends. Yes, he was jealous. Jealous of that James Potter. That messy haired, four eyed idiot. But he was not jealous in the way every other boy was. He was not jealous because James was a qudditch captain or a prefect or of his perfect body and handsome face. He was jealous of how easily James replaced Regulus as Sirius' brother.

He had heard Sirius talk on and on about his friends. How James was so brotherly, so fun, so amazing and how Lupin was cute, sweet, kind, cuteee???

His brother practically drooled over Remus Lupin. The entirety of the Sirius Black fan club wanted to be Lupin. A very tall, sandy brown haired, scar faced, nerdy boy.

Sometimes Sirius would be so invested about his huge crush on Lupin. That he remained oblivious to the fact that Lupin acted the same way.

And don't even get him started on Potter-

"Master Regulus, I've done as much as I could. I'm sorry but that is it." Kreacher said interrupting Regulus' train of thought.

"Thank you Kreacher, it is alright." Regulus smiled and Kreacher disappeared from the room with a small pop.

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