Pianos and Melodies

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(James' pov)

"I'm telling you, it actually happened!!"

''Oh! At least learn to lie Potter."

"I swear, I'm not lying!"

''Yes, you so are!"

Right now, James was there trying to convince Regulus that he really did touch a snake once. It was around 1am and they were wandering the castle, which had become an usual thing for them every night.

Sometimes it would be James who snuck into the Slytherin common room and yanked Regulus out from his bed.

Sometimes it would be Regulus who  pranked or scared James when he was on prefect rounds.

They had become pretty comfortable around eachother through the weeks. Even now they were shoving eachother around in the dimly lit corridor, laughing.

"Ok, I bet you can't beat me to the 6th floor." He smirked.

"Oh yea? Try me." Regulus retorted and made a run for it.

"Hey! That's cheating!!" He yelled and ran catching up to him.

They were running around for a while before-

"Mr. Potter and Mr. Black, what are you doing roaming the halls after curfew, laughing like animals!"

"MINNIE! How are you? Haven't seen you much these days!" James exclaimed.

"I'm quite alright Mr. Potter, thank you for asking. But what might you be doing here with Mr. Black at this hour. Or maybe you might have picked up the wrong Black."

"Oh um we were just..." The boy beside him started.

"Going back to our dorms, if you would just excuse us Professor" He said and ran taking Regulus' hand.

"Oh and believe me, it's the right Black!" He yelled as they continued to sprint even faster ignoring the calls of their Professor.

"That is the craziest thing I've done!" The Slytherin yelled in shock and amusement once they had reached the 7th floor corridor.

''Siriusly? That's the craziest thing you've done? Merlin Reggie, I have to get some kind of adventure in your life." He said chuckling. 

"Come on let's go in." He said pointing to the door of the room of requirements.


(Regulus' pov)

"Hey! It's a piano." He screamed as him and James entered the room.

"Wait, you can play?" The Gryffindor asked.


"Can you play something?"

"Whatt? I can't play in..front of you and all..."

"Oh really, is Regulus Black backing down from a challenge? If I didn't know better, I'd say you're scared Black."

"Scared, Potter?" Regulus deadpanned (A/n- sorry I had to, I'll go now 🏃‍♀️)


''Well fine then, I'll show you!" He said and sat beside the taller boy.

"Did..did you just trick me into playing? That's very Slytherin of you. I feel proud." He smirked at the taller boy.

"Now come on, play something!" The Gryffindor yelled excitedly.

"Yes, yes fine." He smiled.

(A/n- this is the song Reggie sings and it's a really good one by Olivia Rodrigo and Julia Lester)

(I cut out some verses of the song while writing below because it becomes too long.)

Seems like a part of me will always have to lose
Every single time I have to choose
Swore that it felt right, but was I wrong?
Is this where I'm supposed to be at all?
I don't have the answers, not today
It's like nothing makes the questions go away
What I'd give to see if the grass was greener.

James couldn't help but adore the boy playing the piano beside him. This was probably the first time he had heard Regulus sing and it was beautiful.

On the other side of all I've had and lost
Would it be enough, or would I still be wondering

Feels like I might have broke the best thing that I had
I said too much to ever take it back
Scared I'll never find something as good
And would I even know it if I could?

From the other side of all I've had and lost
Would it be enough, or would I still be wondering?

Maybe I should turn around and take the other road
Or maybe I'm just looking for what I already know.

I'm just wondering..

He felt James' soft gaze on him as he stopped singing.

"Sorry I just got lost in it." He said scratching the back of his neck and he looked down, as his cheeks flushed.

"No, Reg. You...That was just-" James shook his head as he laughed softly.

"What? Bloody boring?" He asked with the tiniest smile. But didn't get to complete the sentence as he was cut off by a pair of soft lips on his.

He was stunned for a moment before he kissed back eagerly. This was happening, Merlin this was happening. He tangled his hands in the Gryffindor's hair as he was pulled closer by James on his lap. They broke apart for air. Regulus was still on top of him as they breathed heavily, a gaze of love in their eyes.

Hello people, no I'm not dead just forgot to upload. I'm very much alive, unfortunately.. So yes, it's happening! Btw I can't write kissing scenes very well so sorry you had to witness that. <3 but I hope you're enjoying up till here! Vote and comment if you want to.

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