Bellatrix You Sly Angel

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The Lady Black turned to her husband and asked when Bellatrix was expected to be there at Grimauld Place for taking Regulus to the Malfoy's

Orion Black turned to her and nodded his head immediately as an indication that the event was to happen very soon.

"Dress in your finest attire Regulus and don't you dare let us down or bring the Black Family name to shame. This is your one last chance to make us proud." Orion huffed haughtily as the Slytherin helplessly agreed.

James' pov

He was sitting at the dining table laughing along to Sirius' jokes. As stupid as they were, he was happy. "Finally." He thought to himself.

He had everything he could possibly ask for. Great parents, awesome best friends, a loving boyfriend and a brilliant reputation.

Thinking of his boyfriend, he was suddenly worried. Should he be? Regulus was fine right?

His thoughts were interrupted when his mother spoke.

"James, why aren't you eating? You need more strength of homemade food! Merlin, all hogwarts does is spoil the children with their vast feasts. I am truly surprised none of you are stout by now." She chuckled to herself as Sirius chimed in,

"The only reason we aren't is because of the few billion staircases in hogwarts that we climb everyday!" He let out a loud laugh.

"Ahh yes, yes of course. James, finish your vegetables first then enjoy the noodles." She scolded.

"Yes, yes James eat them veggies, they are delicious!" His best friend snickered.

"Okay my mothers."

They laughed delighted, it was a beautiful day afterall.

Regulus' pov

I won't do it.


No not anymore.


He packed his bags hurriedly.

He ran to Sirius' old room.

"Where is the mirror?!" He yelled running around the room.

"Salazar, the one time I want something and it goes missing."

He had to get another way out of here. The Grimauld floo no longer worked or well mother broke the entry so no more of her children run away through it.

He put the feather light charm on his backpack and turned it invisible to everyone.

Bellatrix strut through the door, he was prepared for this.

"Are you ready my sweet, wittle brother? You are making the family so proud." She pouted and pinched his cheeks.

He weirdly had always liked Bella, she was crazy, sure but a good big sister. She thought no one would know the only reason she became a death eater but he did. It was to save Cissy.

Bellatrix and and her father struck a deal years ago that she would marry pure and be a deatheater if Cissy didn't have to go through any of it.

"Yes, I'm ready." He said.

She grabbed his wrist and prepared to apparate but suddenly dropped it and turned to face him.

"Reggie, I know you don't want this."

"What- that's not tru-"

"Quiet, and let me complete!" She took a deep breath and continued, "But you have to do this for the honour of our family and because Sirius ran away like a coward. I wish there was a choice and I wish I had saved you from this too. I wasn't able to though. I'm sorry for what's to come." She finished a little teary eyed. He enveloped her in a hug.

Regulus was astounded though. His Bella was crying?!!? BELLA, was crying.

"It's okay... it's not your fault nor your responsibility to save me." He sniffled.

"Oh but it is! Even though I'm only your cousin, I'm still your big sister! I'm supposed to protect you from this."

"And I'm going to."

She reached in her bag and pulled out a very small satchel.

"Take this, and open it as soon as we reach Malfoy Manor. Make sure you are in front of the Dark Lord and Lucius as you do it."

''What will happen to me?"

"Just trust me Regulus. Me and Severus would handle it." She pressed, pushing the bag in his hands.

"WAIT! What does Severus have to do with thi-" He screamed just as she turned her wand and apparated them.

He fell not so gracefully on the floor as his bottom collided with the hard ground of Malfoy Manor...or better known as the house of nightmares.

"Ow." He gnashed.

"Get up." Someone gritted roughly, oh shit... Lucius..and the dark lord. What a fun, happy reunion!

Oh the bag. He was supposed to open it right now.

He looked right at them as he ripped it. A flash surrounded all of them. The last thing he saw was Lucius grabbing at the spot he was sat but wasn't able to.

This was not how he was supposed to die!

He was going to hell to kick Satan's butt to get back here and die in a slightly more intresting way. But.

He hit the floor AGAIN. Ow.

''Wait, where am I?" He got up and dusted the sand off his pants.

A shore. A totally random shore. In the middle of nowhere. Jolly. Please don't be heaven.

"Reggie?" Someone gasped behind him.

"James.." Maybe it is heaven.

Bellatrix you sly angel.

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