\ Oh My Merlin /

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(Regulus' pov)

Regulus loved today. It had been a successful week of avoiding James- no- Potter, although the boy hadn't left his mind. Now, he may or may not have noticed the few times James kept staring at him.

He had also gotten no threatening  letters from his parents, yet.

Everything was perfec-

"Hi Reg." A grinning Sirius Black said and plopped down beside him. The both of them were sat in the almost empty courtyard. Thankfully there were no Slytherins around but anyone could snitch.

"What do you want." He sneered.

"Nothing, can't I just talk to my baby brother?" Sirius asked unfazed by his rude tone.

"I'm not your brother." He stated and a flash of hurt passed on his face.

"I'm sorry." The older boy said and got up to leave.

Regulus felt awful but he knew that anyone seeing them together would be disastrous. His parents would not only hurt him but also Sirius and he needed to protect them both.

And now, he had just ruined his own day too.

From a distance he saw Remus Lupin and James Potter comforting his the Gryffindor while Peter Pettigrew was frowning.

He was glad that Sirius had someone who cared, he liked seeing him happy.

Regulus loved his brother more than anything and it was his turn to protect him.

Growing up, Regulus was always guilty of the punishments Sirius would receive. He blamed himself more than anything for it.

For once he missed James Potter's annoying company. Dammit he missed James.

(James' pov)

He knew how stubborn Regulus could be, but to his own brother? He would admit that what he told Sirius was very harsh and rude. But for some reason he couldn't push the thought and hope of something in Reggie that was kind. He of course wasn't evil but...James didn't want to believe that there was anything bad in him.

So he decided to do the best thing he could do. Sneaking into the Hogwarts Council Members Office, where they decided on who would take charge of the patrols.

Hogwarts Council Memebers List.

Lucius Malfoy & Lily Evans- 3rd floor.

Remus Lupin & Amos Diggory- Ravenclaw Tower.

Dorcas Meadows & Leila Greengrass- Hufflepuff Corridor

James Potter & Evan Brown- 7th Floor.

Regulus Black & Mary Macdonald- 5th Floor.......

James had now successfully changed it to-

James Potter & Regulus Black- 7th Floor.

Pumping a fist in the air at his new accomplishment. They were going to spend an entire term at night together.


As night fell, James was going to do his rounds. But he was messing up his hair more than usual as he looked in the mirror. To make it look the best, not even aware why he was doing it.

"Uhh James, are you okay?" Asked the concerned voice of Peter Pettigrew as he got ready for bed.

"Yeaa why wouldn't I be?" He asked still fixing his hair.

"You've been looking at the mirror for an hour. Oh! Is it Evans, that's why you're doing it?"

"Wait why would I want to impress Eva? I mean yes, yes that is it! I want to impress Evans!"

"Oh, then you do look nice." Peter replied kindly but he didn't miss the look of suspicion Rem and Siri shared.

"Come on Moony let's go." James hurried pulling Moony out of there.


"Here are your lists, Regulus you'll be with James?" Lily asked a bit confused.

"Okay." He saw Regulus reply, his tone unsure.

"Come on Potter." Regulus said bumping his shoulder harshly and walking past.

"So, tell me how it's been without me?"

"Shut up Potter, we are here to patrol and patrol only. We don't have to talk." Reggie replied coldly, walking faster.

"Oh come on, Re. We both know you missed me." He grinned as Regulus looked away, possibly trying to hide a blush.

If there was one thing James knew, it was how to flirt.

"Wait! Why was he flirting with his best friend's brother???" He thought to himself and paused a second.

Oh mY MERliN.

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