Astronomy Tower

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(Regulus' pov)

Dear Regulus,

I am utterly ashamed to say this but there has been yet another blood traitor in the family. Andromeda has engaged to a mudblood behind our backs. She doesn't deserve our respect and family name.

Do not at any cost will you associate with the filthy blood traitor and treacherous cousin of yours! She is no longer a Black and never will be again.

You are not to be seen or to converse with that filth again or consequences will be harsh. We cannot and would not disappoint our Dark Lord more! You are forced to get the mark on Christmas Day and are obligated to find an acceptable and respectful bride! She will be pureblood and Slytherin. I will handle no one incapable of being a proper pureblood.

Your mother,
Walburga Irma Black.

Fear is a vicious thing, it can crumble a person until they would wish death.

He looked up to the sky with yet another bottle of the intoxicating firewhiskey.

He took another swig of the firey liqiud and gulped down the entire bottle after.

The Slytherin was sure that he was addicted to the drink by now, who wouldn't be?

He had by now reached the very top of the Astronomy Tower, sitting on  the window sill of it.

'Life was.... sometimes amazing' he thought as he looked at the bewitching scenery I front of his figure.

The sapphire skies filled with the brightest of stars and the illumination of a half moon surfacing the beauty of the Black Lake. If only someone painted this, a person laid lazily, their eyes gazing the outlook.

He wanted to spin around and be free, giggling and swaying to a cheerful tune. The thought of running away himself too, intrigued him. Not sure if it was the alcohol talking, although he did spin around again and again.

"James." He suddenly muttered as he saw the tall boy figure leaning sideways on the door. His eyes filled with a speck of adoration and amusement.

"What are you doing?" James smirked stepping forward.

"Nothing..." He whispered as he felt the heat rush up his neck, tinting his cheeks pink.

"Well, I guess now we do now what the Slytherin Prince does in his free time. Sneaks out to the Astronomy Tower past curfew hours and dances to no music." The Gryffindor simpered as he looked away to hide  his sheepish expressions. James chuckled again.

"Awww Reggie, don't blush. It was cute, really!"

"No, no it wasn't and I'll be leaving. Goodbye Potter."

"Oh no you're not." James said and pulled Reggie back towards him, their bodies merely inches apart.

"So....about yesterday, what was that?" The tall boy asked looking down at his red face, in a mockery  tone.

"Prefect duties." Regulus stated bluntly trying to keep his calm composure.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah." He said and went to walk past but stumbled down because of his druken state.

"Please don't tell me, you're drunk again?!" James asked in a stern voice as he stabelized him and pointed at the empty bottle lying on the ground.

"Black, you know I can't keep doing this. Getting you to the room of requirement and hiding it from Sirius. This could become a huge problem or an addiction!" James said as his face morphed into one full of concern.

"I'm fine.." He whined and tried to get away. "And plus now that you're here, it's all okay." He said giving James a lopsided grin, hoping that it would distract the hazel eyed boy.

Reggie could tell that his charm was working as James' glare softened.

"Okay fine but I'm taking you to your common room."

"No, no, no please don't take me back there! Please!!!" Regulus requested with desperate, pleading eyes.

"Okay, okay, then where do you want me to take you? We can't go to the room of requirements today. It is already occupied by some Hufflepuff students.....

Wait a minute! I can take you to my common room!"

"What??!! Are you crazy, enter the lion's den? No wait, willingly enter the lion's den?"

"Well then I'll have no choice but to kidnap you though!" James stated smirking evilly and throwing Regulus over his shoulder laughing at the other boys shock.

"You're light as a feather darling." He chuckled again.


"You're saying that like it's a bad thing!"

"That's because I'm not a James Potter fan club member!"

"Well do you want to be?"

"I--  YOUR ARSE IS IN MY FACE, OH MY GOD." He yelled and whined again.

"Oh come on, we're here already. Choco Balls." James whispered the password to the fat lady as gave Regulus an uncertain look but let them in.

"See, even the fat lady was suspicious!" Reggie whispered yelled.

"Shush." James hushed the figure over his shoulder and strode into the empty common room. Seriously, how light weighted was he?

"What if someone sees us? And where are we going exactly?" He questioned frantically.

"Tomorrow is quidditch practice, so everyone is asleep. Now we have to be quiet, and you can share a bed with me tonight."

"WHAT?! Are you fucking serious right now!?"

"No, Moony is fucking Sirius."

"I'm in hell, aren't I?" Reggie asked, contemplating every decision he made since recieving the letter to now.

"I believe my presence to be heavenly, thank you very much and I take offence to that! I'm an angel!" The boy rambled on until they reached his dorm.

James opened the door slow and lightly, taking a peek inside. The room in appearance was very red. He almost laughed at the amount of unesscessary pride Gryffs showed for their house color.

As they entered the room, Reggie noticed the polaroids hung on the wall of the Marauders together. Laughing in the common room Gryffindor parties;some in a beautiful house; then a Queen's  concert and prank success' from Halloweens.

There were 3 beds, two of them were joint with red curtains and sheets.

Mirrors, wardrobes, quidditch jumpers, clothes lying around and butter beer bottles. This really was a perfect lion's den, suited for animals like the Marauders.

Regulus almost giggled at the thought of James drunk dancing with his shirt off but managed to keep a disappointed expression. He
suppressed a laugh and said,

"I don't know whether to compare the lot of you to pigs or sloths." Reggie said.

"Don't, that would be highly offensive to pigs or sloths." James replied.

Hello readers, thank you for reading up till here! Vote and comment if you like it!

You are free to give any feedback if you want to <3  All the love- Author

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