Prefect Duties and More

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(James' pov)

"Potter are you coming or not?" Regulus Black questioned him with a confused look.

"Ye-yes, yes.." He stuttered catching up to the smaller boy.

Shit, did he? No way, he absolutely did not. Uhhh Lily! Yes, he should think about Lily, Lily, Lily...Regulus, Regulus, Regulus!

"Potter, you are acting quite weird. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes I am, why won't I be?"


What was wrong with him? He never stuttered, not even with Lily! He definitely didn't like boys in that way. He was just nervous.

They walked all the way to the third corridor and started doing the usual rounds.

Oh how he loved ruining people's shag plans in the broom cupboards!

"So Black, what's your favorite color?" He asked and Reg looked at him with a deadpanned look.

"Pink, my favourite color is pink."

"Wait really!!!???"

"No you dum dum." Regulus shook his head and walked past him.

"Oh Reggie Veggie, why are you so mean to an amazing person like me?"

"Because." Regulus started and then pinned him to the wall, hands above the head and legs inbetween.

"You're annoying." The slytherin said squinting his stormy grey eyes and smirking. 

"Uhmm." The sound of someone clearing their throat broke them apart.

"I'll see you later Potter." Regulus said and walked away.

"Awwwh wasn't I annoying enough? Don't leave me now!!" James whined stomping his foot lightly. He really could care less about the third person present behind them who surely had gotten the wrong idea.

"Sirius' little brother, really Prongs?"

"Moony!" He exclaimed.

"We're not! That was not! Just no, I would never do that to Padfoot!"

"Of course you won't." Remus said giggling.

"Come on James, now let's be real. Don't act like I haven't caught you staring at Regulus for weeks now. And that position you were in also said something else. Be thankful that it was only me who caught you both otherwise all hell would have frozen over."

"I know, I know, I will try to be more careful with the staring. But still, how hot did we look all pinned up?"

"Man, you'll never change!" He said as the both of them let out a laugh, but really did they look hot?

(Regulus' pov)

Regulus knew what he was doin. He would never forget James Potter face as he was stood shocked pinned to a wall.

"Well, where have you been? Smiling and everything." Severus Snape asked him with a teasing smirk.

The only person to ever know about his small crush was Snape.

[A/n- no Snape slander here! I'm going to make him a nice guy]  :)

"Shut up." He mumbled rubbing his eye tiredly.

"So I'm guessing Potter had something planned up his sleeve?" Snape asked.

"No, but I may have pinned him to a wall though."He said and ran up the stairs to his dorm leaving a gaping Snape.

Hello readers, sorry for not updating sooner and for this chapter being very short. I'm kind of busy with school and on a writers block. Although, if you have any thing you want in the story, you can message it to me. Hope you're liking it <3

All the love,

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