First Occurrence,Disaster.

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"Is it true? What they're saying on the train? Sirius Black has been disowned." He heard the voice of Lucius Malfoy say as him, Severus Snape and Barty Crouch Jr came up to him.

"Yes. He was a disgrace to the Black name." Regulus spoke non chalantly. He could practically feel Malfoy smirking as soon as the words came out.

"Well, I'm happy you came to your senses Black. The Dark Lord will be happy with you." Barbie Blondie said and walked out of the compartment. But Severus stuck behind.

"You know that your family, especially Bellatrix is going to force you to become a death eater this year right?" Snape asked with concern and walked out too.

Great, so he really was stuck, unless? He could run away like Sirius, but his parents would find him.

Honestly he was mad at Sirius, how he ran away without thinking of consequences. How Regulus would be the only Black Heir left which meant that he had to get the dark mark and marry someone pureblood.

His parents let Sirius go because he was already a disappointment but him, he would be forced.

He felt a few tears threatening to spill. He pulled down the slip against the window and locked the compartment deciding to just go to sleep.

But Lucius' words kept ringing in his ears. As much as he tried to block them out they just kept getting louder and louder.

He yelled out in frustration and started pulling at his hair.


"You ready Reggie?" Bellatrix his cousin asked as he nodded.

In front of him was a long dark hallway.

"Son, we are so so proud of you." Beside hima he saw the happy face of Walburga and Orion Black. Motioning for him to open a black door.

"The Dark Lord is waiting." That's what made him freeze.

"Th- the d-dark Lord??" He questioned fear struck and petrified.

"Of course son. You will now be a death eater, go on!" Orion hurried him.

"But- but." He didn't get to complete his sentence as the door swung open. In all his glory was the dark lord with his serpent on a throne. Eyes like a snake, pale skinned, slit nosed he sat, an evil smirk plastered on his face.

"Now, now Regulus. Would you like to be a loyal death eater?"

"Wha-- NO!" He yelled.

"Very well then, Avada kedarv-!"


James' pov
(I may start writing pov as to not confuse people)

"Reggie, wake up!" James Potter yelled as he shook Regulus vigorously who seemed to be having a nightmare.

"NO!" Regulus yelled as he opened his eyes only to be met with a pair of hazel ones.

"Hey, hey, you're safe. Its okay, shh,  you're okay." He said as he embraced the smaller boy. He rubbed Reggie's back and quieted him. James was kneeling in front of him and Regulus unconsciously put his arms around James neck.

"Count with me slowly. It's going to be alright."

The boy did calm down now and looked up. "Thank you."


"I- uh, need to go, sorry!" Reggie said and scrambled out of the compartment.

"Did he just leave his own compartment?" James thought out loud to himself.


"You're still here?" Regulus asked as he entered and saw him there, smirking. 

"Uh huh, you're telling me about that nightmare of yours." He said un crossing his legs.

"No, it was nothing. Leave it."

"If you think I'm getting fooled by the 'oh I'm alright, it was nothing!' act. Then you're wrong. Now, sit."

He saw Reg roll his eyes but follow his instructions and sit down.

"Thank you. Now what was it about!?" He questioned.

"My...parents..." The smaller boy replied putting his head in his palms.

"Ohh." Was all he could mutter out, he had these nightmare problems with Sirius, but he didn't know how to comfort Regulus.

"You do know that you can always come with me and Sirius right?" He asked

"Wait, Sirius is staying with you? Why didn't he tell me or atleast wrote? Do you know how worried sick I was thinking he was spending his days on the roads or something!" Regulus screamed harshly at which James flinched.

He knew Regulus didn't mean to blow up at him and he tried. "Look Reggie, he had no other choice!"

"Of course he did. There's always another choice!"

"He protected you your entire life and you can't even understand that he needs a break? He was stuck there because of you!" He said and regretted every word as soon as he realised.

"Well fine!" Regulus yelled and stormed out, tears threatening spill from his eyes. James had messed up big time, he had messed up really bad. What was he going to do now?? He tried to search the whole train but he couldn't find Regulus.

He didn't mean it, he really didn't.

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