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(Regulus' pov)

James crawled into the bed, and quietly motioned for Regulus to join him. He was uncertain at first but this was better than going back to his dorm. Taking out his wand he casted, "Muffliato."

"Potter, what if someone sees us tomorrow?"

"I've an invisibility cloak remember."

"Yes, I'm aware but what if they open the curtains in the morning and find me?" Reggie whispered feeling anxious again.

"We will get you out before they wake up then."


He climbed in and closed the curtains, he was starting to sober up a bit. But he couldn't go back to the common room. Right now, Narcissa must be crying, Lucius and everyone comforting her. His mind travelled back to the night Sirius left and he knew how she must have felt. They didn't need to deal with a drunken him too.

He laid in the bed sure to keep his distance from the other boy and almost chuckled to himself with the situation he'd gotten into.

Regulus also smirked at the fact of how half the school population would've wanted to be him right now.

"Reggie, you still up?" He heard the Gryffindor say as the bed shifted indicating that the boy was facing him.

"Yes." He responded back, "And don't call me that."

The older boy chuckled again and started speaking, "Look I know you probably hate me for taking padfooot away and for what I said to you, but I'm sorry."

Did the Gryffindor golden boy just apologise to him again?

"Ummm y-yes, its fine. I shouldn't have gotten that angry, I'm no better either." He laughed and began to doze off, a small smile on his face.

"Good night."

"Good night."

(James' pov)

"WHAT THE FUCK?" Yep, exactly, that's what awakened him from his peaceful sleep, but that wasn't the only thing he woke up to. He also woke up to his face buried into a heap of dark brown curls and a warm face nuzzled in his chest.

Recognising the familiar voice of Moony he shot out of bed and groaned as his head hit the wall behind them.

"Moony, shush!" He whisper yelled but realised probably why he was freaking out, and looked at the sleeping figure on his bed.

Regulus was starting to wake up from all the noise but James' hand had tightly gripped his waist.

"Shit." He cursed as he removed his arm.

He looked around the room hastily and relaxed when he found Sirius and Peter still asleep.

Regulus had begun to stir more and had sleepily sit up too.

"Reggie we have to get you out." H
James said shaking the small boy gently who widened his eyes as he saw the werewolf boy tower over him.

"What is going on? Explain it to me right now before I start screaming of shock!" Remus demanded quiet but sternly, and the both of them just stared at him dumbfoundedly.

"'s a funny story you know.." The slytherin began, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"Yes, it's quite funny believe me, don't kill me! You'll laugh when you hear it! So this thing I mean, of course it looks weird to a complete stranger who just walked in." James continued.

"But we swear we can explain it!" Reg exclaimed hurriedly.

"Rem why are you talking so loud? What's going on?" Shit, Sirius was going to kill them if he came here.

"Oh nothing Sirius, go back to sleep love. I'll wake you up later." Remus replied calmly.

"Ok, I will explain later but right now we have to get him out of here." He said pointing to the smaller boy.

"Okay come on, and you better have a good reason after this!"

Him and Regulus were walking out of the common room, with the cloak over them.

"Umm, sorry about that. I forgot Remus wakes me up first, especially on Saturday." He said sheepishly, looking down.

"It's alright, t-thanks for yesterday."

"It's alright."

"Oh and James, you're quite alright." Regulys laughed at his expression and ran away with the cloak.

Wait, did Regulus just call him JAMES?

"Yessss." He pumped his fist in the air and jumped in victory.

Not wanting to handle the up coming wrath of Regulus' possible, future brother in law.

Hi readers, I hope you're enjoying this and sorry for the irregular updates. I just want to say that there may be many grammatical errors or weird auto correct mistakes which sometimes go unnoticed. Feel free to correct me <3

All the love,

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