Our Merry Way

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Today was the first day of Hogwarts. He dreaded today, since Sirius left. Every year he used to be very excited to get away from his parents. But the word had gotten around, Sirius was blasted off the wall. He was disowned. That was the very thing Regulus had always feared. He had his head down the entire walk to Platform 9¾. Orion and Walburga Black although, had their chins held high like everytime. They had gripped his shoulder a little too tightly.

Everyone was scared of their family of course. This was one thing Regulus enjoyed. The fear on their faces as they moved aside to let the family through. It made him feel like royalty, someone who was special. Even when that wasn't the case in real life, it was still intimidating.

Regulus' parents loosened their grip and apparated as soon as they came to face the Hogwarts Express. He sighed in relief and took a deep breath but fate really hated him.

He looked up only to see his brother and friends. "What?" He spat with disgust and confusion.

They looked at each other before Sirius began, "I just wanted to know if you were alright."

"Uh huh, I'm brilliant." He scoffed and stormed past them hitting past Sirius and James' shoulders.

This wasn't good, they couldn't see him like this. Anyone, from a mile away could spot how exhausted he looked. He didn't miss the stare James Potter gave him. Was it pity? His face had always shown no emotion whenever he was at Hogwarts, he didn't want pity. Especially James', no he meant Potter, POTTER.

Now, he looked horrible. Like he hadn't slept in days, which he also, hadn't. His last hope was that going to Hogwarts will make it all better.

He made his way onto the train scrambling past students trying to get to the Slytherin sections.

Finally, he found an empty one and seated himself there. He quietly took out a book and started reading.

It had been a while of peace, quiet-

"What'd you do that for??" That was all he needed. Sirius' guardian angel. Guess who? Ding ding ding,

James Potter!

Out of maybe every Marauder, he hated Potter the most. That guy just swooped in and stole HIS brother.

"What do you want Potter?" I questioned looking at him with coldness.

"Why would you treat Sirius like that?" He dared asked.

"ME? What about him? He left me, and now he is not my brother anymore!" Regulus said and slammed the door in James' face. (A/n- dramatic much Reg?)


"What happened? Is he still mad at me?" Was the first thing James Potter heard as he entered their compartment again.

"Uhh yes actually. I tried to tell him more but he shut the door in my face!" He said looking down.

"Ohh." Sirius slouched against the seat crossed his arms.

"It's going to be alright Padfoot, maybe he'll understand a little later." Moony said pressing a hand on Siri's shoulder.

"Yeah that might be true." He replied trying to ease the tension as Peter nodded along.


James soon found himself worrying about the little Black. Was he somehow even inhumanly paler than last year? The dark bags under his eyes were easily visible. It wasn't hard to notice his shaky, trembly hands and nervous  lip biting.

He had a talent of observing people very well. Growing up in a house with a mother who likes to worry about others a lot made him worry too. Or at least that's what he told himself. He was worried about Little Black because of his helping nature.

He remembered the first time he met the Baby Black.


"Sirius!" An eleven year old James Potter called into his two way talking mirror. It was summer holidays and James missed his best friend because it had been soooo long. "How's your summer?" James asked excited.

"It could be better, my parents are always angry." Sirius muttered annoyingly.

"Sirius! Sirius!" A sweet and cheery voice called out on the other side of the mirror.

"Hey, reg. What are you doing?" Sirius grinned at someone? James didn't know Sirius had any siblings.

"Who is that?" James asked curious.

"Oh! That's my baby brother! Come meet James, Regulus." Sirius  motioned his hand over happily.

A young boy came into view. He looked Sirius but didn't at the same time, cute, James thought. The boy was certainly short, with a few curls in his black hair, he had grey stormy eyes, pale skin and a toothy grin. He was definitely a beautiful sight to see. (A/n- guys just imagine a baby timothee chalamet, he would be so cute😩✋)

"Hi! I'm Regulus." The boy introduced himself with another toothy grin. James forgot everything for a second but jumped back into reality.

"Oh, hi! I'm James, J-James Potter." Regulus smiled again and ran out of the door laughing after he jumped over Sirius to get there.

"I will get you later Reggie!" Sirius shouted at the door.

"We will see! And don't call me that!" Came the cute distant voice of Reggie as they went back to their previous conversation. But James couldn't stop thinking about him.

{Flashback ended}

After Reg was sorted into Slytherin in first year, Sirius had started ignoring him. He knew that the young Black was sad about it. James had even decided that he would try to become his friend but it was too late because then he saw Reg laughing with Snape. The Snape who stole his Lily. James had been pinning for her forever. Forever?

Is it time that he gave up?

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