Ancient & Noble House of Black

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(Regulus' pov)

A respectable bride....a respectable bride which he had to find by Christmas. The Dark mark that he had to take by Christmas. How can he forget something as worrisome as this?!

He was packing his trunk for the holidays when he found the letter crumpled up. His gaze travelled around the room to his dorm mates, who were rushing to pack their bags.

Weren't they the slightest bit worried?

Scared to be marked as the Dark Lord's lapdogs?

No, they weren't. All of them knew what their purpose in life was and took pride in it. His friends- more like acquaintances..had been waiting in anticipation for an opportunity like this while he dreaded it.

He possibly couldn't ask James for help, risking not only his own but the innocent Gryffindor's life too.

The enthusiastic and optimistic boy that he had come to love...

But no. This was his own fault and he was going to suffer the consequences of it.

The younger Black stood up abruptly, with his trunk in hand, and made his way towards the common room exit.

As he walked by, all he could see were his classmates with proud smirks on their faces. He was supposed to be one of them.

A year ago he would have been proud to be one of them, he would have done anything to be one of them!

What was wrong with him?

{Time skip to 12 Grimauld Place}

The door opened as he stepped in along with his mother. She had a tight, almost painful grip around his arm since they apparated from the platform.

Her expression remained calm but inside she was fuming. By now he had become quite familiar with the expressionless face which practically screamed DANGER.

Regulus' family was flagitious and everyone knew it. The use of a crucio or even a killing curse in the house would simply be overlooked and brushed off.

Anyone who dared to question "The Most Ancient and Noble House of Black" would not live to see tomorrow.

The grip only seemed to tighten as they made their way down the passage.

'Did she know about James?' Regulus thought nervously as he was mercilessly dragged into the living room by his mother.

The manor still looked as cold, and as gloomy as ever. Like a 12 year old child, he cringed at the house elves' heads that were on plaques for display over the mantelpiece. It was an act of pure atrocity.

The portraits of previous Blacks gazed at him emotionless except a few who stared with absolute pity.

The hands of Walburga Black threw him to the floor roughly as the poor Slytherin's father entered the room quietly, his face etched with disappointment and anger.

"Regulus." His mother started, "I remember telling you to find a respectable bride by Christmas... Now, where is she?" The mother questioned and gave a forced tight lip smile but her tone although was sickeningly sweet.

When he said nothing for a few minutes, the silence became ubmnbearable and broke as his father continued,

"Walburga... it seems that our son.. has forgotten his manners at the mudblood loving school of Hogwarts...Get up!" Orion Black yelled, breaking out of his calm composure; making his irritation well known. Regulus scrambled to his feet in fear.

He had never in his life seen father express more than an ounce of emotion towards him.

"Forgive me, mother.....father." The Heir stiffly nodded to each of them refusing to meet their cold gazes as he steadied himself..

Walburga scowled at her worthless, disappointing son. She was utterly disgusted by the Black Heir's actions.

She was determined to not have TWO bloody traitor sons in the Black family and both of them hers.

Andromeda the abomination had already been disowned by her brother! The Lady Black had of course made her dislike towards her niece outright clear but internally was quite happy to see her Cygnus fail with his daughter. At least she wasn't the only one with an absolutely disgraceful offspring.

The Lady Black turned to her husband and asked when Bellatrix was expected to be there at Grimauld Place for taking Regulus to the Malfoy's

Orion Black turned to her and nodded his head immediately as an indication that the event was to happen very soon. 

"Dress in your finest attire Regulus and don't you dare let us down or bring the Black Family name to shame. This is your one last chance to make us proud."  Orion huffed haughtily as the Slytherin helplessly agreed.

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