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"Reggie honey we are going to be late!"
James said as he was looking in the mirror, fixing his tie. Regulus came down the steps in a hurry.

"You look gorgeous darling." James remarked and smirked at his flushed face.

In a moment Lily bursted in through the doors of the Potter Manor. She had been running around everywhere trying to prepare for the wedding. Sirius finally asked Moony the four words and today was the day.

"Okay! You both better get your asses out the door in three minutes or you'll be dead." She yelled and ran out in a hurry.

"Isn't this great? They're finally getting married."

''Yes, they are an amazing couple." Reg said as he put his arms around James' neck. Maybe that will be us some day.

James laughed and said, "Love, you might also have to cover those purple blotches on your neck or everyone will know our last night's activities." James said smugly to which Reg turned tomato red.

Regulus quickly turned around.

"James, there is something I've been wanting to tell you for a while now." Reggie said fiddling with his fingers.

"Moony and Sirius are getting married, Lily and Marlene are engaged so what if we adopt a child?"

"Wait what?" James said quickly in panic.

"I'm saying we should adopt." He said nervously.

"BABE, yes of course! I've been thinking for a long time too." James replied as pulled Reg into a long kiss.


At the wedding~

"Do you Remus take Sirius as your husband till death separates you?" The minister Dumbledore asked.

"Hell yes." Lupin replied

"You may now kiss." He said with joy and everyone began clapping.

Then Sirius took to the stage after a couple of drinks and a dance with Remus.

All hell was breaking lose and everyone was enjoying it.

That's when James pulled Regulus aside. He walked him to the Chapel saying that it is romantic. Reg was looking at the beautiful sunset when he turned around to find James on one knee, holding a box with a shining emerald ring.

"Would you Regulus Black would officially like to  become a Potter? Will you marry me?"

Regulus was practically in tears and nodded rapidly.

"Yes James, yes!"

They were now married for two years. They adopted a baby boy and named him Aviel.
They even had a ginger cat called Lily who also adored Lily Evans-Mckinnon.
They watched their son grow and go off to Hogwarts. Their son had become best friends with Sirius and Remus' child. All was good. Regulus and James remained on a couch, cuddling each other. Both having the feeling that they made it so far.

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