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James and Regulus. The tension was clear. They were sat at their respective house table, glaring at eachother. James as usual with the marauders and Regulus as usual with the Slytherins. He was not really indulging in any conversation going on around him. Since Regulus had ran out of the room of requirements, James may have been a little bit heartbroken.

Now here they were at dinner, James eating mashed potatoes angrily and looking at Regulus laugh with Snape.

(James' pov)

It was foolish for him to ever think that Reggie wanted to kiss him. Him. Even Lily Evans didn't want to go out with him, why would Regulus Black. His best friend's baby brother. He really may have the curse of falling for the wrong people. Merlin, he'd messed up.

"Prongs, are you okay?" Peter Pettigrew asked him in a squeaky voice gaining the attention of all the Marauders.

"Oh yeah, just thinking." He responded trying to sound as nonchalant as he could.

"I didn't know you could think." Marlene Mckinnon intervened in their conversation. Beside her Lily, Dorcas, Alice and some of the other Gryffindors snickered.

"Yeah, must be very hard to." Lily added humorously.

"Haha, very funny." He sarcastically replied, shoving mashed potatoes in his mouth angrily. Merlin, if he only could take Reggie away from the Great Hall and kiss him again and again.

"Really though, what's got your wand in a knot?" Remus questioned with an all too knowing smile as if he hadn't already caught him staring at a specific someone. Sirius did curiously glance at him but then towards the red headed girl.

"Really Lily, are you sure you didn't say something that completely broke his mind?" Sirius said jokingly.

"I...honestly haven't even talked to him for a few days now, or well..he hasn't???" Lily even questioned herself that.

"I swear it's nothing to do with you, just some other stuff. I'm tired so I'm going to go to sleep now." He stated and stood up walking away without a second glance.

"What's his deal?" Sirius asked in a sirius tone as he kept walking away.

"No idea." He heard Remus who shrugged.

As he walked down the hallways, he realised how quiet it was. The peace and calm reminded him of his midnight walks and patrols with Regulus. Trying to distract his mind from the timid boy he went up to the hill.

After a while of roaming around he found himself near Hagrid's Hut, admiring a grey and white Hippogriff. Thankfully he knew not to mess with one.

"Hey." A gentle and soft voice behind him spoke. He turned around, only to see a curly and black haired boy standing there awkwardly looking anywhere but at him.

"Hi there stranger.'' He smirked playfully, instantly forgetting their last interaction.

"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry, I really am very sorry...I shouldn't have run away like that. I just got really freaked out." The Slytherin rambled on making all kinds of different hand motions.

"Did you like it?" He questioned.

"What?" Regulus asked dumbfounded and cheeks tinted.

"The kiss. Did you like it?" He laughed lightly.

"Is it bad if I say yes? I mean, I've never liked, liked a boy before you and then you kissed me so...it was just, too good to be true?"

The slyhterin said as he fumbled with his tie nervously giving him a half smile.

"Hey." James stepped forward and softly gripped his chin making him look up.

Regulus connected their lips then and tangled his hands in his hair, just like last time.

Their lips moved in sync as he bit the smaller boys brim making him groan, and throw his head back a little. The Gryffindor took this chance to slip his tongue gaining dominance.

Reg then wrapped his legs around James' waist who held him up and  continued. They didn't realise how much time it had been before they broke apart for air.

"That was-" Regulus tried to say but was cut off by a pair of lips again.

"Amazing?" He chuckled carresing Regulus' cheek.


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