Love, Care and Promise

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(Regulus' pov)

He was sitting on the ledge of the Astronomy Tower again waiting for James. It was near Christmas and things were great. He didn't want it to change, at all..

But he had to go home sometime. His train of thoughts was broken by the sound of a thud and a body tripping.

"Sorry." James said as he stepped out of the shadows and chuckled nervously running a hand through his hair.

"Hi there." He replied with a small, smug smile shaking his head at the older boy's clumsiness. 

''How was your day?" James asked taking a seat beside him.

"It was quite alright. I attempted to make the wolfsbane potion with Severus this evening. I am pretty sure that there is a huge hole in the ceiling of moaning Mrtyle's bathroom now, she didn't look too happy about that." He chuckled remembering how ruined his robes were from the failed potion attempt.

"Oh, that's nice." James replied but inside he was trying to remember the fact that Snape was only Regulus' friend. Merlin, the brunet wasn't even this jealous when he used to like Lily.

"How was yours?" He enquired.

My day wasn't as interesting except for the part where Remus dyed Sirius' hair a hot pink. He screamed like a toddler when he saw it in the mirror."

James started laughing as he continued.

"For hours though he was walking around in the common room with pink hair without knowing, as everybody stared at him amused. We did have a hard time keeping in our laughter, it was brilliant." The Gryffindor finished.

"Merlin, and no one told him or laughed at all?!"

"No, not even Mcgonagall. She was so amused that she gave Remus 5 points for it secretively." By that time they were rolling around in laughter.

"OKAY, did you at least take a photo?" He asked hopefully
"Please, please, tell me you did!" He added as his face lightened with joy and excitement.

"Oh did you really think I would miss it for the world?!" James exclaimed as he took out a polaroid picture from from his pant pocket and showed them to Regulus.

"Oh there is a photo of when he noticed it for the first time too!" He exclaimed taking out more pictures and handing them to him.

They were having a great time as they talked about everything and anything.

Before the long forgotten, unfortunate question popped up.

"What are you going to do for Christmas? You're coming with me and Sirius to my house right?" James looked at him expectedly, reaching out to interwine their hands.

"Please?" The Gryffindor requested running a thumb over Regulus' knuckles in a soft rhythm.

"I- don't know." The slytherin sighed, defeated. Would betraying his family be that bad? No, they were his family! He was to make them proud so they would love him!

"I want them to love me and say their proud of me, even if its just once. I'm sorry I can't give it up, I know I sound like a stubborn child." The slytherin blurted out.

"Regulus my darling, if love is what you need, I'll be there. Always." James whispered and raised his chin so that their eyes met.

"But love is earned." He cried out frustrated trying to keep his tears at bay. "You won't love me forever James, what if my family finds you? What if they hurt you?" He sniffled and leaned his head on the taller boy's chest who had wrapped his arms around the shorter one's waist.

"They won't get to me, they won't get to you or Sirius. I'll make sure of it, my parents would make sure of it."

"Are you sure?"

"More than I could ever you trust me?"

For a second there Regulus looked in his eyes and saw an expression he always longed for. Love. Care. Promise...

"Yes." He answered as the older boy gaze softened impossibly more. He raised a thumb and wiped his tear streaks, placing a gentle kiss on each of his cheeks.

"Do you want to get red dye, so we can put it in Malfoy's shampoo?" James gave a sly look and smirked.

"Do you even have to ask?" He smirked back.

"I always knew you had a knack for mischief inside!" James exclaimed as they both chortled and connected their lips together in a small, passionate kiss.

Which soon turned into a make out session.

"WHY THE HELL ARE YOU KISSING MY BROTHER!?" An angry voice screamed.

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