The Drunk Encounter.

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(James pov)

James felt horrible, he truly was a huge jerk. He hated himself for coming between the brothers' relationship.

What if Reggie was going to talk to Sirius but he ruined it? James tried his best not to think about it while he laid sprawled out on his bed. Staring at the very red and empty ceiling above him, listening to the soft snores of Remus and Peter along with the loud ones of Sirius.

After not being able to sleep for sometime, he got up to look at the time and it was almost 1am. Not being able to resist himself he pulled out the invisibility cloak and Marauders Map.

Sometimes when James was tired of the normalcy around him, he got out the cloak and strolled the castle throughout the night. And that was exactly what he was going to do then as he wrapped himself invisible.

He had always liked the silent night. It was calm and had a certain  beauty to it, James loved it! With him always being surrounded by so much energy around the day with the Marauders, James never got much quietness. It was always chaos everywhere. He would never admit it to anyone but he liked peace, especially in the dark. He went to sit near by the Black Lake but found the spot occupied by some small figure already.

He decided to go see who it was, clearly a boy, 6th or 5th year maybe? But he had a bottle of firewhiskey and seemed upset.

"Hey, are you okay?" James asked as he removed the invisibility cloak and plopped down beside the sad stranger.

"Wha-what are you-?" An almost familiar voice questioned.

James looked to his side at the stranger and recognized Regulus Black.

"Reggie!" He screamed in delight.

"Shut up, and don't call me that!"

"Well OK, but what are you doing here? And are you drunk!? Merlin, Sirius needs to know about this!"

"Shhhhh, shut up Potter! And no, Sirius doesn't need to know about this."

"Why then Baby Black, are you drinking in the middle of the night? Anyone can find you here!"

"I'm too drunk to care and don't call me that.''

"Fine, but this is not good for you though. Are you sure you're okay? Did something happen?"

"Life happened." Reggie said in a quiet whisper, loud enough only for himself to hear.

"No, nothing happened Potter. I'm okay and you can go, goodbye now." Regulus waved at him and tried to walk of but fell down after two steps.

"Godric, you really are drunk." James shook his head and kneeled in front of Regulus to pick him up.

"You know what?" Reggie's drunk tone asked. 

"What did I do wrong? Sirius chose you instead of me, how are you better then me and why can't I get past that fact?" He asked.

"It's nothing like that, you're brother didn't chose me over you. He had his own troubles." James tried to assure the small boy.

"Hmmm." He mumbled.

"Come on, we have to go. Anyone can see us here." He tried to hurry as he took out the cloak.

"WOW whERE's mY BodY? YoU stole IT, GIvE it bacK NOW!" Reggie gasped and yelled.

"I'm in trouble." James responded regretfully.

The Gryffindor carried Regulus all the way to the ROR as he didn't know the Slytherin password and Regulus won't tell him.

"Come on, lay down right here." He whispered softly.

"What is this place?"

"This is the room of requirement, its like a secret room." James explained tucking the Slytherin in.


"Well this is it I guess, bye Reggie." He waved and tried to walk off but a hand pulled him back. The grip on his wrist made him stumble back a bit and fall onto the bed.

"Don't leave, I don't want to wake up alone." Regulus said with a pleading look in his eyes. "Please."

"Okay, okay, I won't leave but you need your sleep." He chuckled.

It looked like a Regulus was in a trance as he saw James laugh. A small smile tugged his lips as he looked at the boy in front of him.

"Are you staring?" He questioned as he noticed Regulus lingering 'glance' at him.

"I can't help it." The Slytherin replied giving a lopsided grin.

"You're pretty." Regulus added and went to sleep, laying his head on one of the soft pillows and cuddling another.

(Regulus' pov)

Reggie groaned as he woke up and looked around the room he was in. Which was definitelynot his. Shit, where was he? He had been aware of the fact that he had drunk too much because of the splitting headache he felt.

His stormy grey eyes searched the room around him only to find a tall figure spread out on a couch. While he was on the bed, a blanket draped over his body. He still had his clothes on which was a good thing.

"Up are you?" A groggy voice called out as the tall figure, which was a man, stood up and messed his hair.

"James! What are you doing here and where am I? You better not have kidnapped me!"

"Chill baby Black, and no I didn't kidnap you." The arrogant toe rag barked a laugh shaking his head.

"So, I'm pretty huh?" The golden boy teased smirking. He honestly, couldn't bring himself to forget what Reg had said the previous night.

"Wha- what?"

"You told me I was sooo pretty when I tucked you in bed last night. Even touched my abs." James teased him with a michevious glint in his eyes.

"Ok, whatever your lying Potter, I-I would ne-never do that!" He said and ran out.

This was it, this was how he was going to die! He probably had called James hot and TOUCHED HIS ABS?
He really regretted being drunk that time. Not because he embarrassed himself but because he touched James' abs.

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