Potter Home

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Sirius Black lazily opened his eyes and groaned. He tried to stretch his hand but was not able to because of a white cast wrapped around his arm.

"Thank merlin you're awake." He heard James say as he sat down in a chair next to his bed.

"What happened? Where am I?" Sirius questioned the hazel eyed boy.

"That's what I wanted to ask you." It had been 2 days since Sirius had been there and he had finally woken up.

"I don't know, the last thing I remember is mother and father almost killing me and then packing to leave....and reg." He spoke the last part in a hushed whisper.

"Why did they do that to you?" James questioned pointing at the faint, healing bruises.

"They heard about my muggle born girlfriend. Weren't really happy about it. But last night it got too much and i just left." He replied with a disappointed chuckle.

"Aah, Sirius you're awake!" Euphemia Potter rushed in, her husband trailing right behind her.

"Yes, hello Mrs and Mr Potter." Sirius greeted.

"Oh hush, call me Mia."
"And call me Fleamont." The older couple smiled at him.

"Thank you, I understand that you weren't expecting anyone late at night but I didn't know where else to go I just left in such a hurry." He felt like he was rambling on. Honestly, he felt guilty for some reason even though he was welcome at the Potter's.

"Sirius, its alright." Mia (Euphemia) laughed assuring him.

"Thank you." Sirius smiled.


Right now he was in James' room with James and he felt much better. He was still guilty about the fact that he had left Regulus alone there and it was eating him up. He could only wish that they didn't harm Reg because of his sudden leave.

"Prongs?" Sirius questioned getting up from his bed and frowning.

"Yes." He replied.

"I feel bad, about Reggie. I can't believe I just left him there! What if they do anything to him in their rage? Reggie would hate me, he was pleading for me to stay but I didn't. I'm the worst." He said as he proceeded to rest his head in between his hands.

"I'm sure he's alright Pads, he's your parents favorite son right? They wouldn't harm him." James said with a sympathetic smile.

He wanted to believe James, he really did but only him and Reg knew their parents true wrath. He was glad he didn't tell Reg where he was going to be going. They would have tortured him for information.

"Hey! On the plus side, I wrote to Moony and Wormtail about what happened. Moony's letter just arrived!" James said pushing a neatly written letter to him.

He started to open it excitedly and James shot him a knowing smirk.

"Oh shut up Prongs!"

"Whaat? I'm not even talking!?" Oh he was going to die today Sirius thought as they chased each other around the room.

(This was a short chapter as I wanted to include a Sirius reaching the Potter's home and what happened.)

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