's not what it looks like

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(Regulus' pov)

"'s not what it looks like!" Was the first extremely smart thing James thought of saying.

Regulus softly groaned in annoyance and turned around to meet the wide, stormy eyes of his flabbergasted brother.

"Sirius we can explain..." He uttered slowly trying to calm the infuriated Gryffindor in front of them.

"There is nothing to explain! You were kissing my brother! What the hell are you doing?" Sirius screamed accusingly at James.

"We- we were just...He wasn't able to breathe so I just---- CPR.."

"CPR? That's the best you could come up with?" He whisper yelled at James. Shaking his head disappointedly and regretting every decision he ever made that led him to this point.

"Well what am I supposed to say?!" 'Oh I'm just making out with your brother because he's my boyfriend?'

"HE'S YOUR WHAT?" Sirius yelled absolutely horrified. James was so dead.

"This is too confusing!" He said flailing his arms around. Too many things were going through his mind at the same time and he did not like it. For a moment he actually thought Sirius was going to hunt James down or chase after him like an angry dog.

"Okay okay, let's calm down first. Let's just all take really deep breaths and calm down ya know. We really really can explain!" James told them all as they remained quiet for a few moments before Sirius spoke again.

"Ok, I'm calm. Now explain!"

"Uhhm- ok, don't get mad or kill us but me and Regulus are dating...I think?"

"James I don't know what you're trying to prove but you cannot date my younger brother." Sirius responded calmly but this time Regulus stepped in,

"Yes he can! James can do whatever he wants and so can I!" He yelled interwining their fingers together. Sirius' eyes darted between the two of them and then at their hands. He seemed to be at a loss of words which was rare for his brother to be.

"How long has this been going on behind my back?"

"More than a few weeks." Hames said, his fingers fidgeting.

"Do you really like my brother? If I swear to merlin find out you're just doing this for laughs then I will-"

"No I would never do that! I really like your brother Sirius, I'm not playing." The brunet said with a promising look in his eyes. Regulus could sense from his tone that James was trying his best not to cry. He lightly squeezed the intertwined hand in reassurance.

"I need to go clear my head...sorry." The other grey eyed teen uttered and dashed out of the Astronomy tower. He and James could hear Sirius' hasty footsteps descending down the spiral staircase.

"Well that went well..." Regulus sighed defeatedly, rubbing the crease between his forehead.

"Better than I would have expected at least. I really thought he was going to lose it when he found out about he losing it?" James questioned himself and chuckled at the high possibility.

"Probably, but now he knows so it's better somehow, I guess." He shrugged and put his head down on James' chest falling into the older boy's embrace.

Does anyone even read this anymore? XD

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